Welcome to
the Batcat
The United States Air
553rd Reconnaissance Wing
Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base
and their Lockheed EC-121R Aircraft
This page provides
information about the 553rd Reconnaissance wing at Korat Royal
Thai Air Force Base from 1967 to 1971. The 553rd Recon Wing was
comprised of two flying squadrons, the 553rd Recon Squadron and
the 554th Recon Squadron. Both squadrons shared common aircraft
from the 553rd wing. Maintenance was provided by the 553rd
Electronic Maintenance Squadron - EMS (later the 553rd Avionics
Maintenance Squadron - AMS), the 553rd Field Maintenance Squadron
- FMS, and the 553rd Organizational Maintenance Squadron - OMS,
plus intelligence, transportation, administration (Headquarters),
parachute riggers, Life Support, food service and others. Together
these units were -
BATCAT area created 06/08/96, Last
Updated 03/19/25.
After a difficult year with health problems, my health
has improved enough to resume updates to this page - Larry Westin, webmaster. Email me at westin@westin553.net
- Batcat Info Update with your thoughts and comments, I may be slow in responding.
Last Updated 01/16/24
Westin Family Personal Quotes: Larry Westin - "May I Always
treat All others with Dignity and Respect." Susan Westin - "If you Fall
Down 6 times, Get Up 7..."
The Quick Links Menu is an effort to make navigating my
Batcat site easier
Quick Links covers commonly requested areas, but NOT
Scroll down this page for information not listed in Quick
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Isn't Free
On April 25, 1969, 18 members of the
553rd Reconnaissance Wing were killed
with the loss of Batcat 21, Less than 5 months later Batcat suffered another loss, On September 6, 1969, 4 members of the
553rd Reconnaissance Wing were killed
with the loss of Batcat 19, We remember and think of
all of you often; you are not forgotten!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Reproduction Batcat Wing and Squadron
Patches Available
Several Batcat Homepage visitors have asked about
the availability of the Batcat Memorabilia and unit patches. At one time I had those available listed
here, however as more became available I decided to move them to their own page. Click on
Available 553rd and 551st Memorabilia and Reproduction Patches to view what
is available. Memorabilia and Reproduction patch page added 01/28/17,
last updated 11/22/24.
Click the Upcoming Reunions Page for
information about upcoming reunions Last updated 01/19/25.
Click the Completed Reunions Page for further
details of completed Reunions Last updated 10/22/17.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The 553rd Reconnaissance Wing Memorial Dedication
and Reunion was held at the National Museum of the United Sates Air
Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH
August 21 to 24, 2008
Click the Batcat Plaque
Dedication & Reunion Page for details.
* * * 553rd Reconaissance Wing 50th Anniversary * * * Reunion Sept. 28 to Oct. 1, 2017 Click the Batcat
50th Anniversary Reunion Page for details.
Added 10/15/17, last updated 02/01/18.
Batcat was able to perform its mission only through the
hard work and dedication of a lot of people, including
maintenance, supply, headquarters, transportation, aircrews
and many others. We thank all who attended the dedication and
Batcats Jack Sikora and Larry Westin have
written a 168 page, illustrated non-fiction book about Batcat. It is now availble
for purchase direct from iUniverse, Inc., from Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com
and others. Click on the book cover above to see details about the book, including
how to purchase the book direct from from 3 sources. Batcats book now available
in electronic format!!
Coastal Treasure is a fictional story about a family member who enlists in the
USAF and is killed with the loss of Batcat 21 on April 25, 1969. More details on
the Batcat Books page including
how to purchase.
Batcat Books area added 11/11/03, updated 02/01/23.
Several times recently I've attempted to reply to e-mails
only to receive back from the server messages such as
"recepient not accepting mail from this user" or
"user not on the accepted list." It is rather
frustrating to try and reply to an e-mail only to have it
returned by your "Spam" or "Junk" mail server
filter software. If you have your e-mail setup to block, please include my
e-mail address westin@westin553.net in
your email address book. That shows me as a
valid recepient. Thank You - Larry
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
Batcat's Primary
Many Homepage viewers have asked me just what the purpose of
Batcat was. I can summarize the mission by saying that all those
who served with the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing, Batcat, both on
the ground and in the air, worked to achieve a single primary
objective - to keep the number of
names on the Vietnam Memorial as few as
During the Vietnam war most of what Batcat did was classified.
Aircrew members probably had a better idea of the operations than
other members of the wing since they attended classified
intelligence briefings before each mission. If you worked in
headquarters planning, in supply providing parts or equipment,
transportation moving people, food service providing meals, or
were a maintenance technician working long hours making engines
run, or radios work, that operational information was very likely
not made available at the time, or only very limited information
was given at best. Recently a retired Army officer sent me an
e-mail, please take a look at this message from Retired Army Lt. Colonel Fred
Johnson. Only through the combined efforts of EVERYONE assigned to work with Batcat did
the mission get accomplished. Added
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
I flew with the 554th Recon Squadron as a Combat Information
Monitor (CIM) from Nov. 1968 through Sept. 1969. Others who
participated with this unit expressed an interest to me in seeing
information on the Internet about the 553rd. What you see today
is more than 13 years of effort to build this page. Please feel
free to correct my errors and omissions. I especially want to
hear from aircraft service, mechanics, electronics, intelligence,
transportation, administration, food service, etc., in fact
ALL who worked
with Batcat in anyway, and anyone interested in the Batcat
operations, Korat, or the 388th TFW which was also based at Kort
RTAFB. It required a lot of people in many different specialties
to keep Batcat flying, I'd like to hear from all of you. You
can e-mail me at westin@westin553.net.
Batcat flew out of Korat RTAFB. Sensor data picked up inflight
was normally relayed directly to Nakhom Phanom (NKP) via a data
link. Code name for the operation at NKP was "Igloo
White." If the aircraft was out of range of Igloo White,
sensor information was encrypted by the CICO/ACICO/CIM aircrew
while inflight, then radioed to Siagon via High Frequency
(Shortwave) radio. Other times Batcat passed real time
intelligence directly to ground forces. Sometimes this operation
was referred to as "McNamara's Wall" and at other
times as "McNamara's Electronic Fence" after then
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara who was a primary
proponent of this form of electronic warfare.
My Batcat Homepage begins with text articles, these files are all
ASCII text and can be downloaded and printed with any word
processor. For that matter you can even print them with the DOS
print command. In places where there are columns I strongly
suggest you print the files using a non-proportional font such as
Courier or New Courier. Sometimes fixed pitch fonts are referred
to as monospace or fixed space. Using a fixed pitch font allows
the columns to line up correctly. Most word processors default to
a proportional font because it looks better.
Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs taken
by webmaster Larry
New information Agent Orange storage at
Korat, new maps and images added on herbicide and toxic chemical use at Korat
As those of us who served get older, we encounter medical
conditions and other needs unnecessary when we were younger.
I've added a new area titled Veteran
Benefit Information. This area has links on how to obtain
copies of your DD-214 and other military records, to the Veterans
Administration, Veteran Benefits, Social Security Special
Benefits to veterans (not just retirees), information about
Agent Orange as well
as other of the "Rainbow Herbicides" used at Korat RTAFB
and other locations in Southeast
Asia, and national veterans organizations. My objective is to
provide a starting point for veterans to learn about what
services and benefits which are available and that they are entitled
to, as well as where to obtain more information, file and pursue
claims. Check out the little known Veterans Aid and Attendance
(A&A) benefit, and educational help. Includes information about Mesothelioma
cause by asbestos exposure, how to find help from a Veteran Attorney, American Legion,
Disabled American Veterans and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Area added 05/11/09, last updated 12/09/24.
Maps, Photos & Text and Information for other
Thai bases used by the USAF
553rd EMS/AMS, 553rd
FMS and 553rd OMS were the
Skilled Maintenance Service Technicians who kept the
Lockheed EC-121R Batcat Super Constellations
The EC-121R and other aircraft required skilled maintenance service technicians
to keep them flying. Click here for more information about the skilled maintenance service technicians who kept
the Batcat aircraft flying. This area also includes information
about the 193rd Tactical Warfare Squadron of the Pennsylvania Air
National Guard and the EC-121S the ANG flew from Korat RTAFB.
Originally part of this opening Batcat homepage. I moved it to
its own page on 02/18/07, Last updated
553rd Life
Support Equipment Section Shop
The Life Support Equipment Section Shop, or more commonly
known as the Life Support Shop serviced,
inspected, repaired, maintained and stored the Life Support equipment.
Life support equipment included parachutes, survival vests, life
preservers, smoke masks and other safety equipment. In addition
Life Support provided training in water and other survival skills.
Originally scattered throughout these Batcat pages, I moved Life Support
to its own page on 06/21/14, Last updated
The Aircraft
Flown by Batcat
The Lockheed EC-121R Super
Click here for more Details of the
Lockheed EC-121R Super Constellation, Lockheed EC-121S and C-121G
Super Constellation, Lockheed EC-121D and EC-121T Warning Star,
Kaman HH-43B Huskie, and the Beech QU-22A and QU22B Baby Bat!
Included are many images of the EC-121R, of the EC-121D, C-121G
and EC-121S, details of the inflight emergencies, details of the
loss at Otis and the two losses of Batcat EC-121R's at Korat
in crashes wich claimed a total of 22 lives, with USAF crash
summaries for both Korat losses. A list of all the EC-121R's
built including serial number, Lockheed construction number,
former Navy Bureau numbers and their final disposition. Also
Beech QU-22 information (which was intended to replace the
EC-121R), with a full list of all the QU-22's built including
their final disposition (several exist and fly on the civil
register today). The C-121G aircraft were loaned to the 553rd
Reconnaissance Wing by the Pennsylvania Air Guard, while the
EC-121S aircraft were flown by the Pennsylvania Air Guard. Added
04/21/02, updated
Static Display and
Radio Controlled
models of the Lockheed EC-121R Super
Click here to view some
Static Display
and R/C Flying EC-121R models. Model aircraft sizes range from 1:144
to 1:16, plastic, diecast and wood types of models. YouTube videos of the
R/C model taxing and flying. Model Page added 07/02/14,
Updated 06/11/16.
Beautiful Color
EC-121R views of
EC-121R sn 67-21490
I purchased a really nice color inflight view of EC-121R 67-21490. Photo is U.
S. Air Force photo KE 35179, taken January 15, 1969, by Master
Sergeant Roman G. Contos, USAF. Labled as a "High angle side
view of U.S. Air Force EC-121 of the 553rd Reconnaissance
Squadron in flight of Thailand." I believe this is the best
inflight view of a Lockheed EC-121R I have seen yet. Size is set
to be about full screen with resolution set to 1024x768. Here is
another image of EC-121R
67-21490 at higher resolution, inflight with more of the Thai
country side shown. My thanks to Dean
Boys for alerting me that this photo was for sale
on eBay! Color, about 127K and 850K respectively, added 02/15/00.
sn 67-21485, 67-21475, and
Recently I obtained 4 very nice EC-121R color prints from the
Terry Panopalis collection in Canada. Here is a color inflight
view of EC-121R
67-21485. which shows more of the Thai country side. Image is
color, about 122K. Here is a second, above view of EC-121R
67-21485 showing
how Camouflage blended the airplane in with the ground. Image
is color, about 164K. Third image is a ground view of EC-121R
67-21475, right side, at Otis AFB, Massachusetts, on May 17,
1969. Look closely and you can see the FM radio antennas on the
top of the outside vertical stabilizers. Image is color, about
107K. After late 1969 training for the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing
was moved to the West Coast. Fourth image is the left side of
67-21477 at McClellan AFB on October 25, 1969. Color, about
96K. My thanks to Terry
Panopalis for going out of his way to get me these
color prints. Added 02/21/10, updated
Lockheed EC-121R
for the
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Manfred Jahn is in the
process or creating freeware flight simulator models of all main
variants of the Super Connie. He has just uploaded
EC-121R Batcat 21478 for Flight Simulator to a public server
where you can download the flight simulator data. Here are some
flight simulator screen shots: EC-121R
Take-Off with the gear up, flaps still in takeoff position,
Cockpit lined up for takeoff, 67-21478
Beginning a takoff roll at Korat, EC-121R
67-21478 in flight about 1/2 front view. All screen shots are
color, about 38K, 131K, 114K and 58K respectively. Manfred Jahn
resides in Cologne, Germany. His work was created specifically
for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, also known as Flight
Simulator 9. He can be reached via email at "manfred dot
jahn at uni-koeln dot de" (be sure to form this into correct
email format, remove the spaces along with the words
"dot" and "at" which must be replaced with
the correct email characters). Added
An Overview of The
Airborne Anti infiltration System and Batcat
With supplies contuing to flow into South Vietnam, other ideas
surfaced to reduce this flow of supplies. One such report, called
Jason Group Report caught the positive attention Defense Secretary
Robert McNamara. This was the idea which came to frutition eventually
known as Igloo White which comprised the Infiltration Surveillance
Center (ISC) at Task Force Alpha at Nakhon Phanom RTAFB, Navy Squadron VO-67 at
NKP, and "Batcat" the USAF 553rd Reconnaissance Wing at Korat RTAFB.
Code names changed frequently, the Jason Report became code name "College
Nine" and later "Practice Nine." Note there are 9 primary
authors of this report. My thanks to
Chet Gwardyak for
sending me this report. Adobe Acrobat PDF format, about 3.2 meg in size.
Added 07/29/18.
By the time Defense Secretary Robert McNamara presented the concept
of the Airborne Anti Infiltration concept to President Johnson, the code
name was "Practice Nine." On January 11, 1967 President Lyndon Johnson
received a presentation of Practice Nine at the White House by Defense Secretary
Robert McNamara. Two days later on January 13, 1967 President Lyndon
Johnson issued
National Security Action Memorandum 358 which gave "Highest
National Priority" category to "Project PRACTICE
NINE." This document effectively gave birth to Batcat. My
thanks to the President Lyndon B.
Johnson Presidential Library for providing this
document. B&W, about 225K, Added
A short History of the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing. Now available
in two formats, 553rd History in
ASCII text format. This should be readable with any browser.
Also the same wording is as a 553rd History in Adobe PDF format.
The PDF format is in an easier to read font, however it does
require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. If you encounter a
problem reading the PDF version, view the ASCOO text format. This
history includes additional information from Homepage visitors
providing additional information, and to correct errors. This
revision of the History has errors corrected, and added
information about how the 553rd Reconnaissance Squadron performed
the ABCCC mission in Cambodia with the call sign Ramrod. My thanks to
Bill MacDonald for providing the Ramrod ABCCC
information. Now Rev. Q, updated 04/21/14.
IGLOO White an Overview
YouTube video with an overview of Igloo White. My thanks to
Chuck Lavoie for providing the YouTube link,
added 01/15/21.
The 553rd Reconnaissance Wing, Batcat was one part of the three
major components which together was Igloo White. The three components of Igloo White consisted of the following:
1 - Delivery of the sensors, first accomplished by U.S. Navy squadron VO-67
and later by F-4's of the USAF 25th TFS, 2 - Monitoring of the sensors by
the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing, Batcat, EC-121R aircraft and 3 - Assimulation
of the sensor data by the Infiltration Surveillance Center (ISC) at Task Force Alpha at Nakhon Phanom RTAFB.
Alternately the sensor data was assimulated in flight by the Batcat EC-121R Combat Information Center air crews.
Here is information about Task Force Alpha and the Infiltration
Surveillance Center located at Nakhon Phanom RTAFB. Added 05/12/15, last updated
First Batcats to complete 100 Combat Missions
Before Batcat completed its mission in Southeast Asia, many air crew
members would complete 100 or more combat missions. Shown here are the first Batcats to complete 100 combat
missions. Added 08/04/21.
First Officer to complete 100 Combat Missions
Robert Helfrich - foto taken as he
deplanned his 100th mission August 1968
My thanks to Joe Gonzales for the image.
First Enlisted to complete 100 Combat Missions
Back row Bob Levy, Tom Hicks, front row Bob Bulen, Dan Shull
Foto taken at the Airman's Club October 1968
My thanks to Bob Bulen for the image and names.
Mike Yates and
Jon Pries sent me this
poem titled I Flew by
Brad Baker. Most appropriate as we all get older. Added 10/07/10.
The Air Force Historical Research Agency has declassified some of
Examination of
Operations Reports,"
or more commonly just a "CHECO"
report. Several
Project CHECO reports which pertain to the 553rd Reconnaissance
Wing are available. Added 07/30/14, updated 12/13/21.
Batcat Bill
Person has provided some unique perspective of the
operation. Read his article Sensors Go
to War. For more information may I recommend the Batcats
book. Added 08/06/06.
This 553rd
Reconnaissance Wing Organizational Chart gives an overview of
the wing and its various units which together was Batcat. Data
obtained from the official histories of the 553rd Reconnaissance
Wing. Rev. B, file is now in PDF format, about 7K.
Added 05/28/01, updated 08/22/17.
This 553rd
Reconnaissance Wing Welcome Booklet given to new arrivals.
This booklet is dated July 1969 and contains a welcome letter,
wing history, wing insignia information, plus information on
housing, transportation, finances, required fees, required
briefings, curfew, money, bars and clubs, off limit areas, and a
base map. My thanks to Lynn
Gates for the document. NOTE this is a large file,
about 1.6 Mega bytes. Added
The 553rd Reconnaissance Wing achieved initial operational
capability in early December 1967. During December 1967 there a
number of V.I.P.'s which visited Korat RTAFB, and Batcat. On
December 23, 1967 President Lyndon Johnson visited Korat RTAFB.
Click here for an image of President
Johnson talking with Batcat A1C Brian Benson during LBJ's
visit to Korat. Standing between Benson and LBJ is Lieutenant
General William Momyer. My thanks to Cliff Jensen who sent me the image
after he received it from Bill
Schmieding. Color, about 88K. Added 04/01/11. Afterwards President Johnson
went to the "Kaboom" officers club where he was given a presentation
from a 388th TFW F-105 pilot who explained what a mission up north
involved. Afterwards President Johnson shook hands with those at the
officers club. My thanks to Mike Cassidy
who was at the officers club to see and shake hands with President Johnson.
Added 07/23/14.
Batcat was heavily classified at the time. During training the
need for secrecy was repeatedly emphasized. Many officers doubted
the value of the project. Then came the Khe Sanh siege where the
concept proved itself remarkably well. Ground commanders
recognized the value in lives saved. Shortly afterwards an
article named "Spotting
the Infiltrators" appeared in the May 27, 1968 edition
of Newsweek magazine. This was the first public information about
sensors. Gene Heflin
first brought to my attention that such an article was published.
My thanks to William "Bill"
Schultz for sending me the article to scan. Image
of the article is B&W, about 256K, Added 04/01/09.
Reconnaissance Wing Casualties
This is a list of the 25 individuals who lost their life while assigned to
the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing. The names of those 553rd
members killed on operational missions are listed on two panels
of the Vietnam Memorial Wall. For those of you who have not had
the opportunity to visit the Vietnam Memorial, on the Mall in
Washington, D.C., here is an image of Vietnam War
Memorial Wall Panel 26W with the names of those killed in the
April 25, 1969 loss, and an image of Vietnam War
Memorial Wall Panel 18W with the names of those killed in the
Spetember 6, 1969 loss. I took both wall photos on April 19,
2004. While in Washington I checked with the Park Service and
learned that only those individuals killed on operational
missions are listed. The names of those who died by accident or
from natural cause deaths are not included on the Vietnam
Memorial Wall. Updated
Vietnam Wall - Call for
Photos. The Education Center at the Wall has a
project to obtain phtoogrpahs of all those who were killed in the
Vietnam War. Check The
Education Center at the Wall for more details. Click on the
"Call for Photos" link for more information. My thanks
to Art Kveck for
bringing this project to my attention. My thanks to
Brian Cotterill, brother
of A1C Michael J. Cotterill who was killed in the April 25, 1969 loss
of Batcat 21, for updating the URL. Added 09/27/09, updated 06/15/15.
553rd Reconnaissance Wing EMS (AMS)
Relay Station setup and Ground Combat - Purple
To locate and track enemy activity in the area south of Siagon
sensors were planted in the area south and east of Nui Ba Den mountain.
Initially Batcat monitored these sensors by flying from Korat
south into the Gulf of Siam, then north west up into the southern
part of South Vietnam. To reduce the long flights the U.S.
decided to put a relay station on top of Nui Ba Den mountain. The
first 553rd Reconnaissance Wing personnel arrived to perform
the intial relay station setup. Here is an image of the
first Batcats on Nui Ba Den mountain, showing left to right
TSgt. Herman Rozier, Sgt. Micheal McVoy, Sgt. John Laselle, SSgt.
William "Bill" Saltzer. Photo taken April 1969. My thanks to
Bill Saltzer for this image.
B&W, about 786KB. added 09/29/20.
Webmaster Note
- In Vietnamese Nui Ba Den means "Black
Lady Mountain," which is also known as "Black Virgin Mountain." This
is an Extinct Volcano located in the Tay Ninh Province of Vietnam, close to the
wstern Vietnam border, very near to the eastern border of Cambodia. The Ho Chi
Minh Trail ended a few kilometers west of the mountain in Cambodia. Nui Ba Den
Mountain is more than 3,200 feet high, and has a great view of the Vietnam Mekong
Delta. After the Vietnam War ended the military equipment on the mountian was
removed, temples were built. There are trails up the mountain
and also a cable car. The view from the top is beautiful. This mountain is now
a tourist attraction. Added 06/27/19.
Flight Orders
Orders to perform a combat mission came to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing
from 7th Air Force. Called a "Frag Order" because it was a frament
of the full order. Once received by the 553rd Recon Wing the order was assigned
to one of the flying squadrons. The squadron then selected the crew to fly
the mission showing the name of each individual assigned to the mission. Click here
for an example of actual
Flight Orders - All Lieutenant. These praticular flight orders are unique in that every
officer scheduled for this flight is a lieutenant including the aircraft commander.
Commonly officers of several different ranks were scheduled for a combat mission.
As seen in these orders the mission is scheduled to takeoff from Korat and upon
return to land at Korat and is an O-1A combat mission. Flight orders in PDF
format, about 110K in size. My thanks to Steve Rust
for a copy of these flight orders. If circumstances made it impossible to
return to Korat RTAFB, then the aircraft landed at another base. This situation
occurred to webaster Larry Westin
on September 15, 1969 when it became necessary to land at Ubon RTAFB. Once the
crew returned to Korat each crew member received
own copy of the diversion orders. PDF format, about 243K. NOTE the Social Security
numbers of each individual is intentionally blocked out to avoid identity theft.
Those individuals listed on the flight orders would pick up their survival gear
from Life Support, then proceed to 553rd Wing headquarters for weather and
intelligence briefings. Added
BatcatWAF - Intelligence
First Batcat assigned WAF (Women in the Air Force) was
2nd Lt. Charlotte J. C.
Holder, now Col. Charlotte Clinger USAF retired.
To welcome Lt. Holder to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing as the
first WAF, this Presentation
to the 1st female member of Batcat set of "helpful"
instructions was given to her as a guide by those in operations.
B&W, about 312K. Added
Lieutenant Charlotte Holder had recently completed intelligence
training when she was assigned to the Deputy Chief of Operations
for Intelligence (DCOI) office, 553rd Reconnaissance Wing,
arriving during September 1968. Charlotte wrote this article on
being the First WAF assigned
to Batcat, PDF format, about 19K, also available in ASCII text
format, about 11K, if you have difficulty reading PDF files.
This article describes her arrival and information about
providing intelligence while working the Batcat DCOI. Here is the
DCOI Organizational Chart, about 116K. Before each mission
all aircrew were given an
Intelligence Briefing at the Wing Headquarters building,&
color, about 95K. Unknown to me until we exchanged emails, there
was an unique 553rd
DCOI Patch, color, about 90k. Added
Charlotte Holder Clinger and her husband recently set up a fund for
oral histories for women veterans as part of the Betty Carter Women
Veterans Historical Project at University of North Carolina at
Greensboro. Click here to view
Charlotte Holder Clinger's oral history of her career.
Added 09/22/14.
Tom VonAchen sent this
image of the 388TFW
Intel Patch, the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing was also based
at Korat RTAFB. Color, about 173K. Added
BatcatWAF's - and
the Fort Round Eye Compound
Beginning in December 1968 additional WAF (Women in the Air Force)
arrived at Korat RTAFB. Click here for more information about those
WAF's -
which were assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing. To accomodate the increased number
of WAF's the 388th Combat Support Group created "Fort Round Eye." Added 04/15/15,
last updated 10/23/22.
Awards and Decorations
Veterans who served during the Vietnam era with the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing at Korat
RTAFB have earned unit awards for their work with the wing. The veteran may also be entitled
to individual awards and decorations. See the
Awards and Decorations - Unit and Individual
for additional information including what awards you have earned, as well as how to correct
errors which may be on your DD214. Initially part of the Batcat Veterans Benefit Information
page, it was moved to its own page on 08/17/17, last updated 12/10/23.
A special promotion ceremony occurred on June 1, 2018 with the promotion at the
Pentagon with Batcat Participation.
Major Jennifer Warren, who works at the Pentagon was promoted to Lt. Col., with Batcat
Col. (Ret) Charlotte (Holder) Clinger participating. Check here for details of the unique
Batcat participation in the promotion ceremony. Page added on 10/21/18,
last updated 10/25/18.
The Batcat
Museum at Culpepper, Virginia
Hank Smith is the curator
of the Batcat
Museum at Culpepper, Virginia. This page shows some of the
items on display, as well has how to arrange a visit. Batcat
Museum info added 10/05/13, updated
Batcat People en
route to Korat
Some air and ground crew traveled from Otis AFB to Korat on board
the EC-121R aircraft. Most of those in the 553rd Reconnaissance
wing traveled to Korat via
Lockheed C-141A Starlifters. My thanks to Bob Bulen for providing this
image. Color about 126K, added
Personal Experiences. Personal
Experiences area added 06/28/02, Last
updated 12/15/16.
Movie Clips of Korat and the EC-121R.
Movie clips and links to YouTube which show the EC-121R, 388th
TFW F-4E, 100 Mission return, and Bob Hope entertainers Christmas
1968. Added 08/07/09, Last updated
During the Vietnam era there were times when American's
fathered children by Thai women. Often the American returned
home at the end of his assignement with the child growing up
never knowing their father. The Ameri-Thai locator Help page
is here to help Thai children of American fathers locate their
father, who they may never have met. This page also helps father's
who locate their Thai child.
Gene Ponce, 553rd FMS, provides
Locator Help assistance. Gene Ponce has been recognized by
the Thai Royal Family for his work uniting children and parents.
Added 09/07/14, Last updated 03/20/16.
Batcat Patches and
The 553rd Wing patch was designed by Mr. Milton Caniff, famous
for his cartoon character "Steve Canyon." The words
"Cavete Cattam," translated from Latin mean -
"Beware the Cat." In addition to the wing patch there
are many other Batcat patches. Click here for detailed
information and images about the Batcat
Patches and Flags! My thanks to the many who have sent me
images, and those who sent me patches to scan. Patch area added
12/04/99, Updated
Batcat Patches by
Scott Pedersen,
Pedersen has amassed a collection of 553rd Patch
images, as well as patches from the successor units, the 353rd
Special Operations Wing and 353rd Special Operations Group. Click
here to view the Scott Pedersen Batcat Patch
collection. This is a graphics intense page, it will take a
while to download. Added 12/21/09, updated
The Party
Suits at Korat RTAFB
Party Suits were totally optional, with many assigned to the
553rd Reconnaissance Wing going to Korat city tailor shops
to have Party Suits made.
Last updated 08/21/18.
The Batcat Legend
You may not be aware that the Batcat legend continues. Today the
USAF 353rd Special Operations Group (that is not a typo, it is
the 353rd not 553rd) has its origins directly from the 553rd
Reconnaissance Wing. The 553rd Reconnaissance Wing was officially
inactivated on December 15, 1970. The USAF redesignated the wing
the 353rd Reconnaissance Wing on July 31, 1985, redesignated
again as the 353rd Special Operations Wing on 21 Mar 1989.
Activated on 6 Apr 1989. Redesignated 353rd Special Operations
Group on 1 Dec 1992. Here is a USAF
Fact Sheet for the 353rd Special Operations Group. The 353rd
SOG continues to use a slightly
modified (simplied) Batcat patch for the 353rd SOG. Included
in the fact sheet are the decorations won by the 553rd
Reconnaissance Wing, Batcat, as well information about the
lineage before and after Batcat. My thanks to Charlotte Holder Clinger for
bringing this to my attention. Added
Find your Buddy
Many times over the years I've been asked many times
questions like: "do you have a list of those who worked in
EMS during 1968," or "who were the other crew chiefs
while I was at Korat," or "do you have a list of those
who were on aircrew 27." Looking back I wish I had that kind
of information. Well now David
Butler has started such a list! David has started
an Excel spreadsheet with searchable information. If you are
interested in participating in this project please send David
Butler an email at x9y9@sbcglobal.net
providing the following information: 1 - Name, 2 - email address,
3 - 553rd organization, 4 - shop, crew etc., 5 - dates in
country, 6 - Small remarks IE looking for someone, do you
remember this or that.
Batcat Ed Richey has
started an Internet Blog for Batcats at http://batcat121.wordpress.com.
From Ed Richey: I want to post my memories there and hope other
Batcats will do the same. The older I get the more I reflect on
those days. Hope you and other Batcats enjoy it. Added 09/13/09.
There is also a Yahoo Batcat blog at groups.yahoo.com/group/CaveteCattam.
This is a moderated group, to subscribe you need to email
and request access. My thanks to David Smith for providing
information on this Batcat blog. Added
Re-Enlistment on
a Combat Mission
Batcat SSgt James H Jorgensen re-enlisted
on a combat mission. Here is an image of SSgt
James H Jorgensen on the left, and A/C Lt. Col. David Brown on
the right administering the oath. Here SSgt James H Jorgensen
holds his DD 256
Form. There was an advantage for enlisted personnel to
re-enlist on a combat mission, the re-enlistment bonus was then
income tax free. The wing performed re-enlistments for ground
crew as well as aircrew on combat missions.
Added 01/18/11.
Reconnaissance Wing Training
Aircrew training involved
specialty training at Otis AFB,
Life Support training at Otis AFB, Global Survival Training at
Fairchild AFB (SEA version), and PACAF Jungle Survival Training
at Clark AB, Philippines. Certificates of completion were issued
for each class. Click here for samples of
USAF Successful Training Certificates. My thanks to
Ron Turman for these
copies of his training certificates. PDF format, about
568K. Added
Batcats helped
Train Royal Thai Air Force Personnel
In several areas 553rd Reconnaissance Wing
personnel helped train members of the Royal Thai Air Force. Here
is a Royal
Thai Air Force Certificate of Appreciation presented to
Batcat Harry D. Henderson (553rd Avionics Maintenance Squadron).
Certificate is signed by Air Chief Marshal Kamol Thejatunga,
Chief of the Air Staff. My thanks to Harry D. Henderson for sending me
this image of his certificate. About 115K, Added 02/12/14.
U.S. Air Forces
Global Survival School
Fairchild AFB, Spokane,
Prior to departure from the U.S., aircrew members were sent to
the USAF Global Survival School at Fairchild AFB, Spokane,
Washington. Here is an image of a Group
of Batcats going through Survival School. On the back side
are the Names
of the individuals in the photo. Here is a list of the
Names in
an ASCII text file. The scene is from the site in the
mountains east of the base. We were taken there to get some
experience in survival skills in case we had to "walk out of
the jungle" in South East Asia. Survival class groups were
randomly thrown together. Shortly after the picture was taken we
were split up into other smaller groups for experience in
"navigating" our way through the mountains. My thanks
to Amy Peterson,
daughter of Batcat Mark Peterson, for sending me the images and
names. Images are B&W, 249K and 131K respectively. Later
Batcat crews attended an abreviated Global course because all
would follow up with with additional jungle survival training at
PJSS. Added 08/14/11.
Pacific Air Forces Jungle Survival School
Aircrews were given a one week course in Jungle Survival and
Escape and Evasion at Clark AB, Philippine Islands. My thanks to
Dave Pipher for
providing these images of PJSS. Here some views of housing at
Clark AB, basic
quarters, view 1 and another view of
quarters. Color images, 34K and 63K respectively. A view of
for the field exercise, color about 62K. Escape and Evasion
instruction occurred at the end of the class. At the end of the
E&E exercise the aircrew flagged down a helicopter so they
could be winched up to the helicopter. Here are 3 views of the
Sikorsky H-19 helicopters at PJSS. H-19
view 1, H-19
view 2 and H-19
view 3. Color, about 47K, 56K and 47K respectively.
Added 01/24/10.
the 388th Transportation Squadron
provided Batcat Aircrews Bus
The 388th Transportation Squadron provided bus service for the
553rd Reconaissance Wing aircrews. Prior to each mission the bus
traveled Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base to pick up the
crewmembers. The bus first stopped at Wing Headquarters Life
Support to so crews could pick up survival vests, and weapons.
After the pre mission briefing the bus took the crew to the
specific airplane for that mission. After return the bus picked
up the aircrew for the post mission debriefing and return of Life
Support equipment. After the post mission debriefing the bus
returned the crew to their quarters. Shown here is an interior
view of the crew bus as it returns the second Batcat crew
2, 553rd Squadron, at night after a mission dated 29 Jan.
1969, to the post mission debriefing. Note that Lt. Steve Rust
still has his survival vest. Shown are Left to Right and to back:
Lt. Steve Rust (CP); Lt. Jack Sikora (CICO); Major Dale Johnston
(NAV); Tsgt. John Hobson (ACICO); A1C Tom Stear, CIM; A1C Carlos
Mitchell (CIM). Photo taken by Sgt Tommy Mclendon (AF
photographer). Crew bus view B&W, about 113K, added 12/02/07,
updated names 07/10/12. My
thanks to Jack Sikora for providing the image.
Survival Kit Blood Chit
In case of Misfortune
Aircrew members carried a Blood
Chit on all combat missions as part of their survival gear.
The Blood Chit said "I am a citizen of the United States of
America. I do not speak your language. Misfortune forces me to
seek your assistance in obtaining food, shelter and protection.
Please take me to someone who will provide for my safety and see
that I am returned to my people. My government will reward
you." Blood Chit image about 131K, added 12/02/07. My thanks to Stuart Whipple for this image from
his personal collection.
Snoopy, the 553rd's
During my tour with Batcat I had the opportunity to fly with
Snoopy 1 time. At the time I was preparing to rotate back to the
U.S. and had flown about 70 combat missions. If memory serves me
right, Snoopy, at that time, had about 150 missions!! This first
Snoopy image, Snoopy1.jpg
was provided by Richard
Weiner. Image about 45K. Paul Desrosiers sent me this
article about Snoopy originally published in the "TheSwadee Flyer", and
also this photo Snoopy2.jpg,
image about 51K. Click here to view the Snoopy3.jpg
image, about 28K, provided by Jim
Bartholomew. Snoopy area Updated 10/23/01. This image of Snoopy4.jpg
was taken Sept. 1, 1967, shortly Snoopy came to the wing. Image
courtesy of Ed
Thurston, color about 109K, Added 02/24/08. Hank Smith sent me this image of
Face! Who could deny that dog! B&W, about 35K,
Added 03/22/09.
Snoopy Returns Home
Ed Vickers sent me
follow up information about Snoopy. While at Korat with the 553rd
Reconnaissance Wing Snoopy accumulated some 155 combat
missions. While at Korat Snoopy
earned his wings. There was also the You Made It
Award complete with Snoopy's signature! Note Snoopy's
dog print along with wind commander Col. Ted Ostendorf's
signature. Snoopy was well know and liked. To celebrate
Snoopy's time at Korat a Press
Conference was provided for journalists. Snoopy's
departure was carried in the Bangkok
Post newspaper, Saturday December 13, 1969 issue. NOTE - so
you can read the text the image is large, about 655K. Thank you
Ed Vickers for leaving the newspaper name, and date in the upper
left corner. Images are 136K, 169K, 139K and 655K respectively.
Snoopy's master, SSgt. James "Robbie" Robinson told
me he returned safely to the U.S., passing away in Dallas in
1978. Added 04/20/08.
Snoopy's Full Story
by James H. "Robbie"
Robinson III
Jim Chandler provided
this link to
Roscoe's Bio at Find a Grave. Roscoe was the mascot for
the 388th TFW at Korat. Added
The Development Test
This information was originally part of this opening homepage. As
additional material has been added the opening homepage became
rather large, so I decided to move some information to its own
page. Take a look here for Details of the
Test Deployments to Develop the Aircraft Sensor System!
Included are text and images of the deployments. This area moved
to its own page on 4/21/02, Updated
U.S. Navy Squadron VO-67 was the first unit
to plant the Sensors monitored by
Initially sensor drops were made by U.S. Navy squadron VO-67
using the Lockheed OP-2E, a modified P2V-5 Neptune aircraft
equipped with a Norden bombsight. Jimmie H. Butler's Homepage
which details the efforts and sacraficies of U.S. Navy Squadron VO-67.
Larry Gire has written
a history of VO-67 detailing the sensor drop operation.
UPDATE the VO-67 homepage has
a new area which has listed all the books dealing with electronic
warfare in Vietnam. Check out the VO-67 Book page.
Navy Obersvation Squadron 67 flew the Lockheed OP-2E Neptune, which is
a highly modified Lockheed P2V-5 Neptune. This image shows an
OP-2E at Atsgui NAS in Japan. This aircraft, Bureau Number 131423,
MR 10, was photographed November 13, 1967 before the chin radom was added.
Color, about 316K. My thanks to Stephen
Miller for this image. Added 09/01/18.
VO-67 flew from Nakhom Phanom RTAFB. Here is an image of OP-2E Bureau
No. 128416, Mud River 11, taken during 1968, color, about
106K. Second image is of OP-2E Bureau
No. 131455, Mud River 6, believe this photo taken at
Davis-Monthan AFB, going into storage. Color, about 116K. Third
image is of OP-2E Bureau
No. 131423, Mud River 10, note the lack of tip tanks and
radom below the nose. B&W, about 157K. My thanks to
Terry Panopalis for
going out of his way to get me these prints. Added 11/03/02,
Updated 04/01/12.
This image shows an
OP-2E at Davis Monthan AFB after its return from Thailand. This
aircraft, Bureau Number 128417, MR 12, was photographed April 14, 1971. My
thanks to Stephen Miller for
sending this image taken by Terry Coxall.
Color, about 312K. Added 09/01/18.
U.S. Navy Squadron VO-67 receives
the Presidential Unit Citation
VO-67 Association Vice President Bob
Reynolds sent me this email - It is my pleasure to
make a historic announcement. Observation Squadron Sixty-Seven (
VO-67 ) has received the Navy Presidential Unit Citation for its
actions during the Vietnam War. This announcement, from the
Secretary of the Navy, comes almost forty years after this unique
ultra secret squadron performed with courage and valor along the
Ho Chi Minh Trail and in support of the Marine combat base at Khe
Sanh, South Vietnam in 1968. The order was signed December 21,
2007 by the Secretary of the Navy, the honorable Donald
Some interesting history: 1. No PUC's have ever been awarded
to either a P-2 Neptune or a P-3 Orion squadron in Naval history.
Thirteen patrol squadrons received the PUC during WW-2. These
units operated PBY-4 and PBY-5 aircraft.
Congratulations! from all Batcats
to all of those members of VO-67 for this long over due and well
deserved award!! Let no one forget that VO-67 lost 3
aircraft and 20 aircrew members during operational combat
missions dropping sensors for Batcat to monitor. Added 12/29/07.
For the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing Memorial Dedication and Reunion
at the National Museum of the United States Air Force, the Museum
put on display for the first time sensors monitored by Batcat.
The sensors were not put on display until the evening of August
22, when the 553rd Recon Wing had the banquet dinner.
Ralph Blankenship took
these images of the sensors on display. Sensors
view 1 and Sensors
view 2. Randy
Spencer took these images of the 4 description
panels which describe Igloo White: panel
1, panel
2, panel
3, and panel
4. Here is an image by
the USAF Museum of the sensors. Our thank yous to the
National Museum of the USAF for taking the sensors out of storage
and displaying them! Added 09/24/08, updated 08/19/11.
Bob Cumby sent me
these images of sensors which are on display at the Air Force
Armament Museum at Eglin AFB, Ft. Walton, Florida. Here is a view
of 6
types of Sensors monitored by Batcat. The ADSID was the
most commonly used sensor, with the Commike audio
sensor used only in limited circumstances. All images are
color, about 42K, 54K and 32K respectively. Added 08/17/07.
Bill Serstad was an
engineer for Magnavox who worked on the sensor development. Here
is an inside view of the Acoubuoy
sensor with the cover removed showing the circuit boards
inside. From the top of the picture: the rolled up antenna
and microphone, then 16 printed circuit cards, receiver,
transmitter, command decoder, audio circuits, line spectrum
detect etc. The power management circuits were just above the
large terminals that would connect to the battery pack. B&W,
about 78K, Added
The Batcat
Batcat 553rd Reconnaissance Wing missions were completed by
flying orbits over specific areas of interest to monitor the
sensors dropped by other aircraft. Sometime back Randy Spencer supplied me with
some printed information he recieved under the Freedom of
Information Act about the Batcat orbits. I created a JPEG image,
now revision D, of the eleven Batcat
Orbits I know about. Not all orbits were flown all the time.
Pink for example was an early orbit discontinued after a few
months (Navigator Hank Green gave me a corrected Pink orbit
during the 2001 reunion). After first adding this image I learned
of two additional orbits, both with the name BLACK. On this image
they are labeled BLACK-1 and BLACK-2. BLACK-1 was flown from
1967-1968, while BLACK-2 was a 1970 to 1971 orbit.
Mike Burroughs and
Bill Person provided details on
what I call BLACK-1. Dale Cullop provided the details of the
BLACK-2 location, and also that this was a low altitude orbit,
flown at 11,000 feet. All other orbits were normally flown at
about 16,000 to 18,000 feet. Additional information from
Jim Roth, via
Jim Bartholomew, that
this orbit was used for air traffic control for aircraft flying
in Cambodia. While researching the Batcats book I learned of an
eleventh orbit, Orange, and this is now shown on the revision D
of the orbits chart. Chart is now about 295K to achieve adequate
detail. Added 04/01/01, updated05/30/05.
Black Orbit-2, was a highly protected mission in late 1970. Cambodian
military officers were brought into Headquarters in a blacked out
windows vehicle for a briefing then shuttled to the aircraft. The
Cambodians were the approval source for targeting on the mission. As
I recall, we flew the mission at lower than normal altitudes, perhaps
8,000 feet rather than our more normal 16,000 feet. Engines were run
in low blower to lengthen engine life. My thanks to
Paul Ray for this
information about the Black-2 orbit flown over Cambodia. This information
added 06/05/19.
Batcat aircraft and crews flew the Black Orbit-2 from late 1970 to 1971.
One change was the call sign used. In all previous missions the call sign
used was "Batcat" followed by a number. With the Black-2 orbit the ccall
sign used was "Ramrod." My thanks to
Dave Finkel for this
information about the Black-2 orbit call sign. This information
added 05/22/21.
Project 972
Project 972 was the code name used by the Joint Chiefs of Staff for
"McNamara's Wall" or "McNamara's Electronic Fence."
Batcat was one part of Project 972 along with the units at Nakhom Phanom (NKP)
which planted the sensors, and Task Force Alpha, the Infiltration Surveillance
Center at NKP. Transporting the Sensors Batcat monitored required moving the
sensors from there arrival point at the deep water ports at Camp Vayama
in Sattahip (near U-Tapo RTAFB), to Nakhom Phanom. This was the task of the
U.S. Army 519th Transportation Battalion. The mission
was classified during the Vietnam War. The 519th Transportation
Association, Thailand, is presented by Joe Wilson's
Project 972 web page that details the
work of the 569th Transportation Company as well as other units
of the 519th transportation Battalion in transporting the
sensors. Included on this homepage is an interesting statement by
Khe Sanh Marine Regiment commander Col. Lownds, about how the
Marines felt about these sensors Batcat monitored 24 hours a day
(submitted by Army LT Jose Benavides, USAR). Added 05/02/02,
updated 07/08/09.
Previous Reunions
The 553rd Reconnaissance Wing has participated in 2 combined
reunions, the Return to Southeast Asia Reunion held in Bangkok,
Thailand, the 2008 Dedication and Reunion at Wright-Patterson
AFB, and others. click here for details on
earlier reunions. Update
Batcat Outreach Activities
Working with the Thai Civilian
Robin Collord sent
this image of a Batcat Home Front
Award presented to Mrs. Patti Collord. The award is signed by
553rd Reconnaissance Wing commander Col. Gus Wiser, and 553rd
Reconnaissance Squadron commander Lt. Col. Donald Ewing. I had
never seen this award before, but at the time of my assignment to
Batcat I wasn't married. Color, about 201K, Added 02/18/06.
The Bat Label
Label for the 553rd Brew at
the Bat Cave. My thanks to Chuck
Silverstein for loaning me this very rare item to
scan. Added 12/12/99.
Bill Holbrook informed
me that new arrivals were handed a can of Gusweiser beer upon
arrival when the first units came to Korat in Oct. 1967! UPDATE -
Dag Weiser, son of the
first 553rd Reconnaissance Wing commander, Gus Weiser, sent me
some original labels. Two of these labels are now in the National
Museum of the United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB,
Ohio. Updated 06/11/05.
the Sawadee Flyer was
Korat RTAFB Newspaper
Greg Moore sent these
images of edition which detailed the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing,
Batcat, turning two years old. Shown here in two parts. Part
1 and Part
2 together show the full article. Images about 516K and 546K
respectively. Added
Batcat License
Take a look here to remember the flight line vehicles which
carried the 553rd Batcat
License Plate. My thanks to Dave
Rindone for sending this image. Added 01/02/05.
LeRoy "Roy" Fretschl
has had two
Batcat personalized license plates in the state of Maine. Top plate
is older showing the Lobster, the current plate shows the
Chickadee. My thanks to Roy for providing these Maine Batcat
license plates. Added 06/26/06, updated
Doug Schmidt
appropriately dressed for the season in front of his Batcat
license plate. Pennsylvania
Batcat personalized license plate. My thanks to Doug Schmidt
for providing this image. Color, about 100K. Added 01/01/09.
John Urban has not
only a Batcat license plate, but also an unique license plate
frame. Arizona Batcat
personalized license plate. My thanks to John Urban for
providing this image. Color, about 151K. Added 01/18/09.
Stuart Whipple just
returned to Northern Wisconsin by a lake. Here is his new
Wisconsin Batcat personalized license plate. My thanks to Stu
Whipple for providing this image. Color, about 196K. Added 06/26/13.
Paul Albrecht recently
got this license plate a Batcat
personalized license plate in the state of Michigan. Note how Paul
has enhanced his Vietnam Veteran plate holder with an EC-121R silouette
and USAF logo with EC-121R on it. My thanks to Paul for providing this
Batcat license plate image. Color, about 301K.
Added 02/21/14.
Ray Sestak sent this
image of his Batcat
motorcycle personalized license plate in the state of New York. Ray rides
with the Patriot Guard Riders of New York and has the BATCAT plate on the back
of his 2001 Harley Softail Springer. My thanks to Ray for providing this
Batcat license plate image. Color, about 71K.
Added 03/30/14.
Paul Adams sent this
image of his EC121R
personalized Indiana license plate on his Corvette. My thanks to Paul Adams
for providing this EC121R license plate image. Color, about 31K.
Added 01/23/18.
George Kamburoff sent this
image of his
Personalized California license plate on his 2013 Tesla Model S, P85. On the left
of the image is grandson Leonardo Cardiasmenos. My thanks
to George Kamburoff for providing this image. Color, about 178K.
Added 08/01/19.
Batcat CIM
Mike Burroughs has
provided an image of an early version of the CIM Log.
This version was in use until about July 1968. Image about 92K,
Added 1/17/04.
Mike Burroughs
provided the words to the Connie Song in text format,
about 4K. J. J. Smith
provided the words to the Connie Song
in PDF format, about 23K. J.J. Smith, Bill Person and Charlie
Bishop wrote the words to the song in 1968. Added 02/24/08,
updated 10/07/10.
Some of these songs are available on the
Kenneth G. White woolyfsh.com/seasongs/ site in mp3 audio format. Songs from various
bases in Southeast Asia.
My thanks to Bill Person for letting
me know about this site. Added 05/23/14.
Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base
The War Years 1967-1971
Images of the base and the city. This information was originally
part of this opening homepage. Due to size I decided to move some
information to its own page. This is what Korat Royal Thai AFB Looked Like During the War
Years 1967 - 1971!. Includes aerial views of Korat, the first
Connies to arrive were Big Eye - College Eye EC-121D's,
images of the Bob Hope show held at Korat RTAFB. NEW 07/07/05 -
now included are views of the inside of the Batcat Command Post.
I never saw the inside of the command post while at Korat, so I
really appreciate Bob
Look sending these images. This area moved to its
own page on 04/21/02, Updated
Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base
Extra Curricular Activities
This shows some Batcats who did extra
curricular sports while at Korat (1967-1971)!. The 553rd EMS
had both fast pitch and slow pitch softball teams, both teams did
very well. Added 09/04/12, updated
Bob Hope USO Shows
at Korat Royal Thai Air Force
Entertainer Bob Hope and his entourage of
performers of the USO performed Christmas shows at Korat
RTAFB. The Bob Hope show images were originally on this page from
07/05/99, moved to its own page 10/17/13, last updated 03/06/14.
Korat City Images Then and Now
Nakhon Ratchasima, is better known to most of us assigned to the
553rd Reconnaissance Wing, Batcat, as Korat City. It was only a short
distance from the base to the city. You could even walk, although most
used a 2 Baht Bus, or Taxi to go from base to Korat City. Here are images of
Korat City Then (1967-1972) and Now (2005-2016).
See if you can spot the differences Then versus Now. The Korat City images
were originally on this page from 07/05/99, moved to its own page 05/06/14, last updated 08/21/18.
Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base
Today 2000-2016
Three homepage visitors, Ron
Brown, Gene
Ponce and Joe
Krussel, have visited Korat Royal Thai Air Force
Base Recently. Take a look what Korat Royal Thai AFB Looks Like Today (2000-2016)! These photos
were taken by Ron Brown in July 2000, Gene Ponce in March 2001, and
Joe and Nalinee Krussel in March 2016. Page added 10/29/03,
Last updated 10/13/17.
Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base
World Parachute Meet 2004
Homepage visitor Jerry
Felts sent me an e-mail about Korat being the base
for a major parachute meet January and February 2004. Here is a
fine overhead
view of Korat RTAFB, 2004. Added
Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base
Satellite Views 2012
1970 the Last 553rd Recon Wing EC-121R
at the changeover ceremony to the 388th
Dave Shipton provided
this Shark
mouth EC-121R image. When the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing
deactivated in December 1970, there was a turnover ceremony. This
shark mouth painted Connie was the EC-121R which flew in the
airshow at Korat for the turnover from 553rd to the 388th. The
flight crew was, if I recall correctly, Lt. Col Given, Commander
of the 553rd Recon Squadron, Maj. Wilson, MSgt. Dave Shipton and
MSgt. Fred Duck. Added
Here is a view of the Shark
mouth painted EC-121R in the hangar. USAF serial number of
the Shark Mouthed EC-121R is 67-21498. My thanks to Bob Ellinwood for this image.
Color about 260K. Added
Another view of the Shark mouth
painted EC-121R on the ramp. USAF serial number of the Shark
Mouthed EC-121R is 67-21498. My thanks to Tom Philpott for this image. Color
about 139K. Added
December 1971 the Very Last Lockheed EC-121R
departs Korat Royal Thai Air Force
After being disbanded as a wing on December 15, 1970, a few of
the wing's EC-121R aircraft continued to fly out of Korat
RTAFB as a squadron of the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing. This
image, provided by Craig
Lefevre, is a photograph of the last EC-121R to
leave Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base. As the airplane departed
for the last time it overflew Korat
with Number 4 engine Feathered as a tribute to the fallen
comrades of the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing. The aircraft is sn
67-21478, and the departure date is December 6, 1971, aircraft
commander is Don Robinson. Route of flight was Korat to Guam,
Wake, Hickam, Travis (dropped off some of our personnel) and into
the bone yard at Davis Monthan AFB, arriving December 13, 1971.
Added 1/25/04, updated
6/27/04. Ricky
Dietsch was on board the last EC-121R Connie out.
Here is an image taken out of the EC-121R of the Korat
RTAFB ramp as the Connie flew over with the number 4 engine
feathered. Rick provides this story of being a crew member on the
Connie Out of Korat RTAFB. Image color, about 81K, story in
PDF format, about 37K. Added
03/09/08. At this time, December 1971, all the 553rd,
now just the squadrons, inactivated. Here is an image of the
squadron commander and operations officer, Lt. Colonel Walter
Given (left) and Operations Officer Lt. Colonel Donald Robinson
(right), prior to the deactivation of the 553rd in December 1971.
Color, about 19K, Added
Links to other sites with
USAF - Lockheed Constellation - Korat -
First BatcatWAF Charlotte Holder Clinger went on to retire
as a full Colonel. She donated her documents and uniforms to the
University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNC-G) Women Veterans
Historical Project. Charlotte's contribution can be viewed
Line at University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Includes
Charlotte Holder Clinger's biography. My thanks to
Charlotte Holder
Clinger for providing this information.
Added 04/19/09.
Cliff Jensen created and maintained the
1st Wave Batcat homepage for 5 years. Now the 1st Wave Batcat is now off line. Cliff continues
to support the 1st Wave Batcat
Facebook Account which is open to ALL those
who served with Batcat, the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing. Added 09/30/09,
updated 02/04/16.
Retired MSgt. Dean Boys Air Force Page had a
lot of information about he EC-121 Aircraft, both in the "R" version and the
early warning versions. Update - Dean Boys passed
away December 26, 2020. At this time page Dean Boys' homepage is no longer online.
Added 09/29/99, Last Updated 07/07/21.
Alan Radecki created the
Vintage Air blog on Batcat page with an image of EC-121R 67-21486
at Davis Monthan AFB going into the "Bone Yard."
Added 10/10/14.
Public Law 110-181 SEC.598; the 2008 National Defense
Authorization Act authorized the Secretary of Defense to conduct
a program to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War.
Click on www.vietnamwar50th.com to
learn more about this effort to thank those who served. My thanks
to Jake Awalt for
letting me know about this site. Added
Here is a site to obtain more online
Vietnam War Websources. My thanks to
Herbert "Charlie T" Townsend for
letting me know about this site. Added 03/20/16, updated
Don Duvall lives in
Laos and has in 2012 traveled the Ho Chi Minh
Trail multiple times. Many fine photos show military
equipment which still exists today, including a sensor once
monitored by Batcat. My thanks to Bill Barrett for bringing this
site to my attention. Added
Chuck Silverstein has
information about aircraft service, mechanics, electronics, etc.
on his personal Batcat homepage. Update -
Chuck Silverstein passed away October 9, 2015 and his Batcat
service technician homepage is no longer online. Added 09/29/99,
updated 02/04/16.
Retired USAF Radio Operator
SMSgt. A.J. Northrup's wrote the books
"Fifty Fallen Stars" and "Fifty Fallen
Stars and Beyond," about the 50 officers and enlisted men who
lost their lives while flying on USAF early warning Connie's out of Otis AFB,
MA. Update - A.J. Northrup passed away on October 4, 2015,
and these books are no longer available. Added 11/11/10,
updated 02/27/17.
Music of
the Vietnam Era courtesy of Pete at the LZ Center. My thanks
to Bob Langenhan for
this link. Added
Ron DeGroff has his
own BatCat 14 Homepage. Ron is listed on the contact page. Please
take a look. Update -
Ron DeGroff passed away September 28, 2016 and his Batcat
homepage is no longer online. Added 4/15/01,
updated 09/28/16.
William Keppel's
father was an EC-121R pilot with the 553rd Reconnaissance wing
during 1968-1969. William's father passed away in 1993, his
homepage is no longer online. Added 10/20/01,
updated 08/24/17.
Arley Hamilton, 553rd
EMS, has 553rd
Recon wing "Batcats" Homepage with images of the
flight line, interior of the EMS shops, and individual images.
Arley is listed on the contact page. Please take a look.
Added 07/27/08.
U.S. Air Force
Museum National Museum of the United States Air Force at
Wright Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton Ohio. Details on
museum aircraft plus links to other government sites. Here is a
new Virtual
Tour of the USAF Museum. Added 9/15/98, Updated 06/29/11.
The Official site of the Royal Thai Air Force is URL http://rtaf.mi.th/
- VERY IMPORTANT while I show
the URL, I don't have it configured as a link. Reason for removing it as a
link is that Norton Safe Site says this site has dangerous content which may
harm or infect your computer with a virus. Be very careful accessing this site.
Added 03/11/00, updated 03/20/16.
Bill Person was
involved with Batcat from the begining. Bill Person passed
away November 27, 2017, when I checked I received a message
that Bill Persons homepage is no longer active. Added 06/02/01,
updated 11/28/17.
Randy White's
Homepage, http://www.lcompanyranger.com/.
Randy White was a member of Ranger Company L, 75th Infantry,
101st Airborne Divison, Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol. This
unit operated a long distance from their home base. When
communications was difficult they often contacted Batcat for
radio relay. Added 02/02/03.
The U.S. Navy also flew the Lockheed Super Constellation which were
Navy models WV-2 and WV-3. This site
Willy Victor has
information about Navy use of the Super Constellation.
Added 03/20/16.
The Navy also lost aircraft and men in crashes of the Lockheed Super
Constellation. Detailed here is the loss at Da Nang of the
VQ-1 Lockheed Super
Constellation PR-26 crash which claimed 31 lives.
Added 03/20/16.
Ralph M. Pettersen is
a Lockheed Super Constellation enthusiast. He has an extensive
Homepage which details the Constellation Surviror
Homepage. In addition there are many links to other
Constellation sites. Added
Lufthansa Airlines is
in the process of restoring to airworthy condition
Lockheed model 1649 Starliner, the last type Lockheed
Constellation type built. Restoration is in progress at the
Auburn-Lewiston Airport, Auburn, Maine. Check back here for
updated status on the path to an airworthy Constellation.
My thanks to Mason Ezzell for
this link.
Added 01/09/10, updated 02/01/18.
Constellation Moves from Rome, NY to the Museum of Flight
Seattle, WA well told in pictures. See the story of Trans
Canada Air Lines 1049G CF-TGE during her move September 2009.
Added 09/14/09. In a truly
remarkable short period see the Reassembly
of CF-TGE at the Seattle Museum of Flight by late September
2009. The rapid reassembly says a lot for the skill not only of
those who did the reassembly, but also the skill of those who
disassembled, and transported the Connie from New York to
Seattle, Washington. My thanks to Ralph Blankenship for providing
both these links. Added
09/18/09. Now CF-TGE has
moved into Boeing Plant II. My thanks to Bob Langenhan for providing this
link. Added 09/23/09.
UPDATE Boeing decided to
discontinue Plant II, with plans to tear it down. Now the last
aircraft, including Connie CF-TGE reside outside at the Museum of
Flight. Check here for images of the Last 3 airplanes
to Leave Boeing Plant II. My thanks to Gil Jennings for this information.
Added 12/04/10. In the
continuing travels of CF-TGE, the Museum of Flight has now
moved CF-TGE to the airpark across the street from the
museum. My thanks to Mike
Jones for providing this link. Added 01/15/12.
The The Air Force
Together We Served site is a place where you can locate
former USAF colleagues. My thanks to Ron Turman for bringing this to my
attention. Added
Zoggavia Classic
Airliner Photography from Finland with emphasis on the
Lockheed Contellation and Super Constellation, both Civil and
Military versions. Paul
Zogg has added a page specifically for the 553rd
Recon Wing and their EC-121R aircraft, click here for
Paul Zogg's Batcat and EC-121R page. I purchased most of
the EC-121R photo's at Davis Monthan from Paul's
"Zoggavia" eBay sales. You can see the EC-121R's at Davis Monthan AFB, some just
arrived, some intact in storage, some partially dismantled. Added
05/26/09 updated
The Stars and Stripes U.S.
military news from Iraq, Afghanistan and bases worldwide. My
thanks to Gil Jennings
who provided this URL. Added
Sites with
additional information
about the war in Southeast
The Virtual Wall
Vietnam Veterans Memorial honors the fallen of the Vietnam
War. My thanks to Mike
Burroughs and Ernest
Bins who indepently provided this information at
about the same time, and also to Dave
Pipher who provided additional information about
the Virtual Wall. Added 02/06/10, updated 02/17/10.
You can find individual biographies, and sometimes images at the
Virtual Wall. Virtual Wall Webmaster Jack Morrison provided me
with links to each of the 22 Batcats lost. Open this PDF file Batcat links on the
Virtual Wall file. When the PDF file opens you can click on
the link and view the details of each of the Batcat losses. When
you click on the link you get the basic information, click on
"full profile" for additional detailed information. My
Thanks to Jack
Morrison for sending this Batcat specific
information about the Virtual Wall. Added 02/21/10.
There is a Virtual Wall area for the 554th
Squadron Operational Losses. All those Batcats lost on
operational missions were assigned to the 554th Reconnaissance
Squadron. My Thanks to Mason
Ezzell for sending this Batcat 554th Recon
Squadron specific information on the Virtual Wall. Added 05/24/13.
The Gerorgia Tech Vietnam pages has vast information about
additional Vietnam
War Resources. My thanks to Ron
Cox who provided the original URL, and to
Bob Langenhan who provided
the corrected updated URL. Added 02/06/10,
updated 12/23/19.
Official USAF
Batcats who progressed on to General
The official US Air Force Site has changed the URL addresses for
biographies multiple times. Instead of having a pointer to the
specific URL, I know have the biographies of those assigned to
the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing who made general grade as PDF
files. Each is about 20K in size.