The United States Air
553rd Reconnaissance Wing
Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base
Remembrance of those Batcats
For Whom The Angels Have Called
May you All Rest in Peace and
know you are in our Thoughts and
area contains the names of our Batcat friends and colleagues who
have passed away after returning from Korat. Remembrance Area added 07/01/09,
Last updated 03/19/25 .
After a difficult year with health problems, my health
has improved enough to resume updates to this page - Larry Westin, webmaster. Email me at
- Batcat Info Update with your thoughts and comments, I may be slow in responding.
Last Updated 01/16/24
Memorial YouTube video honoring the 25 Batcat Fatalities.
Twenty five veterans assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing, Batcat, at Korat RTAFB died, including
22 fatalities from the two EC-121R aircraft crashes, with 3 other fatalities who died from
various reasons. This Youtube video was created by Mason Ezzell ,
who was assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing as an EC-121R pilot.
Embeded Youtube video added 06/14/21 .
The primary
objective of this page is to let others know when a Batcat has
died. The losses at Korat are listed in other places on the
Batcat homepage, but so as to not forget, those who died while at
Korat are shown here too. Recent deaths are shown here as I
become aware of their passing. If you have additional names,
corrections, or other information please contact Larry Westin via
email at: .
Those who died
while at Korat
Check here for a List of the
25 Batcats who lost their life while at Korat . Three Batcats
died from non operational incidents. Non operational casualties are
NOT engraved on the Vietnam Memorial Wall. The 22 Batcats who were
killed on operational missions have their names engraved on the
Vietnam Memorial Wall, Washington, D.C. Here is a view of the
Vietnam Memorial Wall section for the 18 Killed on
the April 25, 1969 loss, Vietnam Memorial Wall section 26W ,
and in a separate area of the Vietnam Memorial Wall for the
Killed on the September 6, 1969 loss, Vietnam Memorial Wall
section 18W . Last updated 07/01/21 .
The 22 Batcats killed on operational missions
are recognized at the National Museum of the United States Air
Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, on the 553rd
Reconnaissance Wing Plaque in the Museum Memorial Park.
Updated 10/18/09 .
Those who died
returning from Korat
These are Batcats I am aware of who have passed away after
returning from Korat. Full unit and date of death is shown when known.
Please use the email contact at the top of this page to correct
information or add names to this area.
To locate a particular individual you have 3 options. 1 - Scroll down through
this page. 2 - Search this page by pressing CTL+F, enter the person's last name
data and press enter. 3 - Alternately you can click on the first letter of the
person's last name.
Individuals Last name begins with letter "A"
Mark Abernathy , 553rd RW, passed away January 27, 2018
Adams , 554th RS, passed away March 1, 2012
Ahner , 553rd RS, passed away December 16, 2000
Vernie Andricks ,
553rd FMS, passed away February 15, 2012
Rudolph Louis August ,
553rd RS, passed away 2004
Jake Awalt ,
553rd EMS, passed away March 28, 2016
Individuals Last name begins with letter "B"
Michael Bach , 553rd RW,
passed away April 27, 1994
Dick Baker , 554th RS,
passed away May 8, 2004
John L. Banner , 553rd RW,
passed away January 22, 2013
Bud Barbee , 554th RS,
passed away July 10, 2011
Jim Barcus , 553rd OMS,
passed away January 26, 2005
John Barram , 553rd RW,
passed away January 2013
James Bartholomew ,
554th RS, passed away Feburary 2004
Dewitt Barwick ,
553rd RS, passed away unknown date
Robert O. Beaulieu ,
554th RS, passed away August 18, 2000
John Begandy ,
553rd RS, passed away December 27, 2013
Charles "Chuck" H. Bell ,
553rd RS, passed away unkown date
William David Bennett ,
553rd RS, passed away October 11, 1971
Robert Benoit ,
553rd RW, passed away October 28, 2019
Russell Bergen ,
553rd RW, passed away 2008
James D. Bertram ,
553rd RS, passed away February 8, 2022
Ernest Sherman Bins ,
554th RS, passed away May 13, 2018
Charlie L. Bishop ,
553rd RW, passed away May 9, 2023
Larry D. Blaylock ,
553rd RS, passed away 2010
William Thomas "Tom" Bostock ,
554th RS, passed away April 1, 2022
Richard "Dick" Boston ,
553rd FMS, passed away May 2016
James W. Bourdeau ,
554th RS, passed away Feburary 2009
Gerald "Jerry" C. Bowen ,
553rd RW, passed away December 6, 2021
Earle Boyd ,
553rd RS, passed away unknown date
Warren Kenneth Breedlove Sr. , 554th
RS, passed away 1981
Allan Duane Brooks ,
554th RS, passed away October 28, 2016
David Brown Sr. , 553rd
RS, passed away August 21, 2009
Charles Leroy
Buechele , 554th RS, passed away March 8,
Rollin Bullinger ,
553rd RS, passed away November 5, 1977
Individuals Last name begins with letter "C"
Buell Carruthers , 553rd RS,
passed away August 5, 2019
Denver "Denny" Earl Carter , 553rd RW,
passed away January 22, 2012
Richard Eugene "Dick" Chamberlain , 554th RS,
passed away January 1, 2015
Blaine Chapman , 554th RS,
passed away June 4, 2008
Delano "Jay" Cheely , 553rd FMS,
passed away April 4, 2013
Donald "Chris" Christensen ,
554th RS, passed away May 21, 1997
Willie J. Christian ,
554th RS, passed away March 12, 2011
John R. Clark ,
553rd RS, passed away February 2, 2019
William "Bill" Ralph Clayton Jr. ,
553rd OMS, passed away October 9, 2016
Bennie Joe Clenny , 554th RS,
passed away May 2, 2008
Richard K. Collins , 553rd RS,
passed away February 28, 2024
Bill Cody , 553rd RW, passed away
April 2002
Dick Cole , 554th RS,
passed away unknown date
Bradley A. Cork , 553rd FMS,
passed away February 28, 2013
Doug Cousineau , 553rd FMS,
passed away January 13, 2014
LeRoy "Roy" Crain ,
554th RS, passed away July 25, 2017
Sharpless "Steve" Crowe
III , 554th RS, passed away May 24, 2011
John Douglas Crowson ,
553rd RS, passed away August 8, 2019
Larry Cummings , 553rd
RW Detachment 1, passed away 200?
Leonard Cunningham , 553rd
OMS, passed away unknown date
Richard Custer , 553rd
RW, passed away April 3, 2003
Individuals Last name begins with letter "D"
Robert R. Dailey ,
553rd RS, passed away August 10, 1978
Dave DeGregorio ,
554th RS, passed away March 14, 2021
Ron DeGroff ,
553rd RS, passed away September 28, 2016
Richard "Dick" Francis Dermody ,
554th RS, passed away August 15, 2016
Paul William Desrosiers , 554th RS,
passed away June 25,2024
Ray L. Dickey ,
553rd RS, passed away November 4, 2018
Ricky Dietsch ,
553rd OMS, passed away March 14, 2012
Ron Donley , 553rd FMS,
passed away January 23, 2011
Robert "Bob" W. Dougherty , 553rd RS,
passed away September 21, 2013
Ralph E. Draper ,
554th RS, passed away February 6, 2001
Robert Duffy ,
553rd FMS, passed away October 2014
Dave Dungan ,
553rd RS, passed away unknown date
Raymond "Ray" Otis Dyal ,
553rd OMS, passed away 06/02/2022
Individuals Last name begins with letter "E"
Ford Eastman ,
554th RS, passed away 1995
James L. Edwards ,
554th RS, passed away January 8, 2008
Jim Ellefson ,
553rd RW, passed away December 16, 2023
Donald E. Ewing , 553rd
RW, passed away January 4, 1995
Individuals Last name begins with letter "F"
Jeffrey S. Feather ,
554th RS, passed away October 26, 2018
Robert E. Fiebig ,
554th RS, passed away May 2009
Darryl Francis Fields ,
554th RS, passed away October 7, 2022
Jim Fitch ,
553rd RS, passed away April 26, 2020
Graham J. "Jack" Fling ,
553rd RS, passed away November 29, 2012
Bernard I. Flory ,
554th RS, passed away April 30, 2017
David H. Fogle ,
553rd RS, passed away April 23, 2017
Thomas R. Forbes ,
553rd RW, passed away June 13, 2013
Peter Foskett ,
554th RS, passed away January 9, 2023
Billy J. Fountain ,
553rd EMS, passed away 2007
Charles Worthington "Duke"
Fowler II , 554th RS, passed away May 15, 2015
Eston A. "Rip" Fox ,
554th RS, passed away October 1, 1990
William Taft "W.T." French Jr. ,
553rd RS, passed away September 25, 2019
Monty Freshwater ,
553rd RS, passed away August 21, 2019
LeRoy T. "Roy" Fretschl ,
554th RS, passed away February 24, 2015
Bob Friedman ,
553rd RS, passed away July 12, 2019
David M. Fry ,
554th RS, passed away January 27, 2016
Fredric Ames Fullington, ,
553rd RS, passed away September 26, 2016
Bartholomew "Bart"
Fundaro , 553rd FMS, passed away February 16,
Individuals Last name begins with letter "G"
Thomas Joseph Gamm ,
553rd RS, passed away August 31, 1988
Lynn Gates ,
553rd RS, passed away December 02, 2024
Jowh Gavin Jr. ,
553rd FMS, passed away April 15, 2022
Cecil "Pappy"
Gilpin , 554th RS, passed away unknown date
Walter M. Given III ,
553rd RS, passed away 2000
Leonard A. "Lenny"
Gladue , 554th RS, passed away 1995
James Brown Golden Jr. ,
554th RS, passed away July 10, 2021
John C. Gover , 553rd RW,
passed away February 17, 2017
Lou Green , 554th RS,
passed away 2003
Gerald C. Grotz , 553rd
RS, passed away July 14, 1998
Paul Joseph Gruber , 553rd RW,
passed away October 30, 2015
Elton "Gill"
Guillory , 554th RS, passed away December 15, 2020
Burt Gunn , 553rd RS,
passed away December 6, 2020
Chester "Chet" Gwardyak ,
554th RS, passed away December 10, 2019
Individuals Last name begins with letter "H"
Billy J. Hall , 553rd
RS, passed away about 2000
Jack C. Halligan , 553rd
FMS, passed away March 25, 2020
James F. "Jim" Harrison Jr. , 553rd
RS, passed away August 30, 2016
John Harsane , 553rd
FMS, passed away unknown date
Bobby Joe Hart , 554th
RS, passed away June 6, 2012
Thomas F. Hart , 553rd
RW, passed away May 10, 1990
Andrus "Andy"
Hebert , 553rd RS, passed away July 5, 2009
Arch Heckler , 554th
RS, passed away April 27, 2009
Robert H. "Bob"
Helfrich , 553rd RS, passed away March 31, 2015
George Hendley ,
554th RS, passed away March 5, 2021
Floyd W. Hickey ,
553rd RS, passed away May 14, 1998
Anthony G. Hilbert ,
553rd RS, passed away July 30, 2009
Dennis "Denny"
Hill , 554th RS, passed away about 1976
William H. "Bill"
Holbrook Jr. , 553rd EMS, passed away March 21, 2022
William R. "Holly" Hollingsworth ,
553rd RS, passed away January 8, 1994
Charles "Charlie"
Hollis , 554th RS, passed away February 6, 2015
Walter C. Holobaugh , 553rd RS,
passed away September 12, 2002
Thurman "Tom" Hopkins ,
553rd RS, passed away March 11, 2018
Eugene "Gene"
Horecka , 553rd RS, passed away 2011
Lee Hagan Hundley , 553rd
EMS, passed away December 16, 2011
Individuals Last name begins with letter "I"
Individuals Last name begins with letter "J"
William R. James , 554th
RS, passed away May, 24 2020
Jack January , 553rd
RW, passed away about 2006
David W. Jessen , 553rd
RS, passed away November 15, 2017
Harold Gene Jobe , 553rd
FMS, passed away September 22, 2015
William Ernest Johns
Sr. , 553rd EMS, passed away November 21,
Richard Johnson ,
553rd RW, passed away February 7, 2018
Individuals Last name begins with letter "K"
Edward kaczmarek , 554th RS,
passed away December 29, 2020
Don Keefe , 553rd RS,
passed away 2008
Oscar W. Kendall the third , 553rd RS,
passed away 2011
Robert C. Keppel , 553rd RW,
passed away 1993
Richard F. Knobloch , 553rd RS,
passed away May 30, 2007
Kenneth R. Krueger ,
553rd OMS, passed away April 10, 2011
Frank Kubik ,
553rd RS, passed away December 26, 1996
Chester "Chet" J. Kuzma ,
553rd Intelligence, passed away October 27, 2016
Individuals Last name begins with letter "L"
John D. LaBonte Sr. ,
553rd FMS, passed away December 11, 2011
John Larrabee , 554th
RS, passed away about 1990
Charles Larrison , 553rd
EMS, passed away April 27, 1998
C. D. "Dave" Layne , 554th
RS, passed away December 30, 2017
Anton "Tony" Letang , 553rd
RS, passed away November 5, 2002
John Walter Linaburg ,
553rd AMS, passed away March 9, 2011
Russel Linn , 553rd
RS, passed away January 12, 2013
Licious T. Lunsford ,
554th RS, passed away 1993
Individuals Last name begins with letter "M"
Bob MacFarland , 554th
RS, passed away Feburary 10, 2018
Lee "Leo" J. Magers , 553rd
RS, passed away November 27, 2010
Bob Malone , 554th
RS, passed away March 25, 2021
Ray Manderville , 553rd
OMS, passed away unknown date
Mike Mannheimer , 553rd
RW, passed away 2020
Dean B. Maples , 553rd
EMS, passed away July 26, 2007
John Mark , 553rd RS,
passed away September 12, 2008
William F. "Bill" Maroon , 553rd RS,
passed away September 23, 2016
Daniel C. Marquez ,
554th RS, passed away August 13, 2011
John R. Martindale ,
554th RS, passed away 2019
Richard "Dick" Massicotte ,
553rd OMS, passed away November 2013
Pete "Pietro A."
Mazzio , 553rd RW, passed away January 23,
Michael Thomas McAvoy ,
553rd RW, passed away 2004
Robert C. McBryde ,
553rd RS, passed away June 21, 2014
William F. "Bill" McClelland ,
553rd RS, passed away November 26, 2006
Richard Dean McCreary ,
553rd RW, passed away December 11, 2016
Jim McCune ,
554th RS, passed away December 19, 2012
Marvis McDow ,
553rd EMS, passed away November 9, 2011
Brian "Shakey"
Mckay , 554th RS, passed away June 8, 2011
Charley Meginnes ,
553rd RS, passed away September 2001
Rudolf R C "Rudy" Misseijer ,
554th RS, passed away May 1, 2016
Thomas D. Moffatt ,
554th RS, passed away August 21, 1973
Pasquale Robert "Bob" Moretti ,
554th RS, passed away June 22, 2005
Benjamin "Biff"
Morgan , 554th RS, passed away July 6, 2000
Morris , 553rd FMS, passed away December 22, 2018
Individuals Last name begins with letter "N"
Jack Nevin Sr. , 553rd
RS, passed away March 15, 2013
Cyliss Newsome , 554th
RS, passed away August 2014
John Nienstedt , 553rd
RS, passed away March 13, 2011
Russ Niewold , 553rd
RS, passed away December 16, 2013
Ronald W. Noyes , 553rd
RW, passed away November 9, 2013
Individuals Last name begins with letter "O"
Kent O'Brien ,
553rd RS, passed away 1970
Warren E. "Obie" O'Byrne ,
553rd RS, passed away 1983
David R. Oliver , 553rd
Headquarters, passed away May 6, 2017
Frank David Ortman , 554th
RS, passed away January 16, 1987
Michael "Mike" James Gordon Osborne , 554th
RS, passed away March 5, 2012
Ted Ostendorf , 553rd
RW, passed away July 26, 2002
Individuals Last name begins with letter "P"
Ed Pacheco , 553rd FMS,
passed away August 9, 2008
Walter Paris , 553rd RS,
passed away July 27, 2003
Ralph V. Parks , 554th
RS, passed away May 19, 2004
Gerald H. "Jerry" Parshall ,
554th RS, passed away May 5, 2014
Richard "Dick" Pasqualetti , 553rd
EMS, passed away August 25, 2011
Donald L. Payton ,
553rd RW, passed away February 12, 2010
Ed Penny , 553rd RS,
passed away April 26, 2005
Bill J. Person , 553rd RW,
passed away November 27, 2017
Dennis "Denny" Phillips , 554th RS,
passed away February 9, 2022
John J. Pixley Sr , 554th RS,
passed away February 27, 2016
Individuals Last name begins with letter "Q"
Individuals Last name begins with letter "R"
Paul R. Redd , 553rd
FMS, passed away March 30, 2015
Franklin Reed , 554th
RS, passed away September 30, 2011
Lloyd Reeder , 553rd
RW, passed away September 6, 2006
Samuel Reid , 553rd
RS, passed away June 9, 2020
Malcolm Rice , 554th
RS, passed away November 19, 2016
Condrado "Conrad"
Rico , 553rd RS, passed away September 2007
Michael "Mike"
Riggs , 553rd RS, passed away May 20, 2005
George D. Ringhoffer ,
554th RS, passed away October 7, 1974
Ralph W. Roberts , 553rd RW,
passed away October 29, 2016
James "Robbie"
Robinson , 554th RS, passed away July 10,
Darrel Rook , 553rd RS,
passed away November 9, 2008
Harry "Skip" H. Rumble
III , 553rd EMS, passed away May 30, 2010
Samuel "Sam" Russell ,
554th RS, passed away October 2020
Individuals Last name begins with letter "S"
Thomas Edward Sandelin ,
553rd RW, passed away 1987
Alton "Sandy"
Sandifer , 553rd EMS, passed away unknown
Joe Santana , 553rd RS,
passed away November 19, 2010
Warren Savignano , 553rd RW,
passed away 2014
Rudy Scheithauer ,
554th RS, passed away September 5, 2010
Carter Shanklin Jr. ,
553rd RS, passed away March 21, 2013
David L. Shipton ,
553rd RS, passed away April 8, 2008
Dan Shull ,
553rd RS, passed away July 7, 2021
Jack Sikora ,
554th RS, passed away October 25, 2018
Charles D. Silverstein ,
553rd FMS, passed away October 9, 2015
James D. "Jim" Skaggs ,
553rd RS, passed away November 28, 2013
Robert "Bob"
Slane , 553rd RW, passed away March 16, 2011
Edwin Smith , 553rd OMS,
passed away February 6, 2019
Jerry J. "JJ"
Smith , 554th RS, passed away June 23, 2009
Milton L. Smith ,
553rd EMS, passed away April 27, 1986
Bob Snellgrove , 553rd
RS, passed away late 1980's
Glenn M. Sommers Sr. , 553rd
RS, passed away August 9, 1991
Claude W. Sparks , 553rd
RS, passed away November 11, 2014
Randy Spencer , 553rd
RS, passed away November 19, 2008
Roy J. Spencer , 554th
RS, passed away November 6, 2022
Ralph E. Spraker , 554h
RS, passed away December 30, 2020
Daniel Stafford , 553rd
FMS, passed away November 30, 2016
Jim Steinfeld , 553rd
RW, passed away March 27, 2013
Stephen "Stew" Stewart , 553rd
RW, passed away August 16, 2004
Robert E. Stirnitzke , 553rd
RS, passed away March 29, 2023
Robert Stockford , 553rd
RS, passed away October 19, 2013
Mike Sullivan , 554th
RS, passed away September 19, 2017
Individuals Last name begins with letter "T"
Jack Thompson , 553rd RW, passed away
January 1976
Henry "Harry"
Timmermans , 553rd RW, passed away March 13,
Francis "Frank"
Tomanio , 554th RS, passed away unknown date
Ronald "Ron" Clay Trent , 553rd
OMS, passed away March 14, 2019
Vinny Trovato , 553rd
FMS, passed away December 23, 2008
Kenneth M. Tyler , 554th
RS, passed away February 2002
Individuals Last name begins with letter "U"
Individuals Last name begins with letter "V"
Charles Van Allman ,
554th RS, passed away July 7, 2011
Thomas Vansickle ,
553rd OMS, passed away 2002
Raymond J. "Jim" Vaterlaus ,
554th RS, passed away October 27, 2013
Individuals Last name begins with letter "W"
Bobby D. Wagnon , 554th RS,
passed away 2009
James Wakefield , 553rd RW,
passed away January 11, 2005
Chester "Chet" Wallack , 554th RS,
passed away January 21, 2015
Richard Weiner , 554th RS,
passed away November 30, 2015
Gus Weiser , 553rd RW,
passed away August 15, 2013
James Franklin "Frank" Weatherspoon ,
553rd RS, passed away May 8, 2019
Mike White , 553rd RW,
passed away 1983
Ray "Willy"
Wilcox , 554th RS, passed away October 23,
Robert C. Winegar , 554th RS,
passed away April 4, 2014
Jack Winling , 554th
RS, passed away unknown date
Chet Worthen , 553rd
RW, passed away November 2007
Individuals Last name begins with letter "X"
Individuals Last name begins with letter "Y"
Individuals Last name begins with letter "Z"
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