The United States Air Force
553rd Reconnaissance Wing
Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base
Korat RTAFB - The War Years
1967 - 1971
Korat RTAFB - The War Years page
was originally part of the opening
Batcat page
first created on 06/08/96, moved to its own page 04/21/02, and
Last updated 11/01/22.
Photographs without another credit
taken by webmaster Larry Westin.
Korat RTAFB Before the USAF
This image shows an aerial view of
Korat before
USAF expansion, showing Camp Friendship Army
Base, view is looking north. Photo shows runway in place, but vacant land where
the USAF base would be developed. Photo taken in 1964. Note that most of the USAF side of
Korat RTAFB is primarily jungle. Photo
courtesy of MacAlan Thompson, color, about 18K,
added 11/03/02.
Korat RTAFB as First USAF personnel arrive
As you can see from the image above there was very little existed on what would
become the USAF side of Korat. First USAF personel to arrive were sent in to
establish communications, precision approach radar, etc. The first USAF arrivals
found a lot of work was needed for the base to operate high performance aircraft.
This is a view of a
Hootch upon USAF arrival at Korat. In the foreground is the outside urnial for the hootch with
a corregated sheet steel around the urinal to give limited privacy. The "road" shown with
the tree line behind is what will be the perimeter road. Note that the windows of the hootch have a
thacthed "shutter." My thanks to Felix Herring
for this image, which was taken in late 1964. Image is B&W, about 380K,
added 04/21/16.
Just down from the above hootch was the first
food stand on the USAF side of Korat RTAFB. Tree line in back is the perimeter.
My thanks to Felix Herring
for this image, which was taken in late 1964. Image is B&W, about 132K,
added 04/21/16.
The building on the left is the
first USAF NCO Club at Korat. It required those visiting the NCO Club to cross the perimeter
road to get to the club. The NCO club windows also use thacthed "shutter." My thanks to
Felix Herring for this image, which was taken in early 1965.
Image is B&W, about 347K, added 04/21/16.
One of the early improvements is shown here. This image shows
upgrading hootches from
a thacthed "shutter" on the left (1964), to corregated steel shutter on the right (1965).
During the 1964 to 1971 time frame the hootches never had glass in the windows. There were screens.
My thanks to Felix Herring for this image, who is the
airman shown in each image. Photo was taken in early 1965. Left image is B&W, right image color,
about 115K, added 04/21/16.
Get an idea of Korat's base layout by viewing this
Royal Thai Air Force Base Map. Map courtesy of
Jim Bartholomew,
B&W, about 183K, added 09/28/02.
Korat - the first Connies to Arrive
were Big Eye then College Eye EC-121D's
A veiw of the
Connie Ramp as it neared completion. Concrete is still being poured.
At this time the College Eye EC-121D's have just landed, but as yet no
EC-121R's are at Korat. In fact the arrival of the EC-121R's was
delayed to allow concrete to dry more thoroughly. My thanks to
Ed Thurston, for this image.
B&W, about 264K, added 03/16/08.
Before coming to Korat the EC-121D's were at other bases. On initial
deployment to Southeast Asia the EC-121D's were called "Big Eye"
and later "College Eye." Here is a view of
Big Eye Crew
16 on their arrival day in Southeast Asia. Crew 16 was at Tainan, Taiwan,
until September 1967. During October 1967 "Big Eye" Moved to Korat as
"College Eye." Here is a list of
Big Eye
crew 16 names. My thanks to Dave Biggs,
for this image, and Greg Moore and
Lester A. "Robbie" Robinson
who provided the names. Image B&W, about 152K.
added 02/14/10.
Here is a series of 5 views of the first EC-121 to land at Korat,
which was EC-121D 53-0555. Check all these images, it was quite a
welcome event. First Connie at
Korat on the Ramp - view 1, here is another view of the
First Connie at Korat on the Ramp - view 2, and one last view of the
First Connie at Korat on the Ramp - view 3. Somebody was very quick with
a camera - Note the ramp - NO oil stains!
Crew deplanes from EC-121D 53-0555,
shown deplanning left to right are Terry Kjenstad, Greg Moore,
Les Robbins and seated on stairway is David Biggs. All members of
Crew #16. A
Welcome Committe met the airplane. In the middle is Major Ted Lang,
aircraft Commander of Crew #16, which was the first College Eye crew
to arrive at Korat (on Triple Nickel). Triple Nickel is now at the National
Museum of the United States Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio.
My thanks to Greg Moore,
for this image and the names. All 5 images are color, about
93K, 95K, 91K, 159K and 154K in size respectively.
Added 03/19/08.
Korat from the Air - Outside views
from the EC-121R Cockpit while landing
View of Korat RTAFB
24 from about 3/4 mile out. Royal Thai Air Force occupied the buildings on
the right. At the time of my arrival the Thai's flew T-6
aircraft, by the time this photo was taken most of the T-6's
had moved to other bases. B&W, about 197K,
Larry Westin photo.
About 1/2 mile out about to land on runway 24 shows the
and 388th Ramps on the left. B&W, about 135K,
Larry Westin photo.
About 1/4 mile out for runway 24 shows
the 553rd Ramp on the left. Visible are 5 EC-121D Warning Stars,
1 C-121G, with 15 EC-121R aircraft in revetments, 1 in the maintenance
hangar, and 1 on the taxi way performing a runup. B&W, about 417K,
Larry Westin photo.
Another view of the
Ramp taken from an EC-121R landing. Korat RTAFB is visible in the
background, with a 388th TFW F-105 taxiing for takeoff. Notice that only some
revetments are in place. B&W, about 44K. My thanks to
Bill Holbrook for this photo.
These 4 photos added 01/30/00.
November 1967 aerial view of Korat RTAFB. Note the Swadee Enlisted Club is
at the lower left of the image. FMS/EMS barracks not yet complete in the
foreground, aircrew barracks have the concrete foundation poured,
but none of the walls are yet in place. B&W, about 304K. My thanks to
Ed Thurston for this photo.
Photo added 03/09/08.
The 553rd Reconnaissance
Wing Command Post
During my tour at Korat I never saw the inside
of the command post. Bob Look who
worked the command post 1967-1968 and provided these images. This view is of
Lt. Col. John Crocker with two of the three status boards behind him
looking toward the upper desks which were for the NCOIC and duty officer. The
board on the right of this view had a diagram of Korat RTAFB, and under it weather
reports for all Thai bases. Color, about 140K,
added 07/07/05.
Shown here is
Bob Look on the right, and unidentified on the left working the command post
communications console at Korat RTAFB. Behind are the slightly raised NCOIC and duty
officer desks, and further behind that is the higher raised glassed in area which
was the battle staff room. Red drapes cover the classified maps so this photo could
be taken. Cabinet under the clocks was where the HF (High Frequency shortwave) radio
was mounted. Also located behind the doors was a large tape recorder, all communications
between the command post and aircraft was recorded. Color, about 135K.
added 07/07/05.
This is an image of the
Command Post
Communications Console. The command post had HF, VHF (Very High
Frequency) and UHF (Ultra High Frequency) communications
capability. High Frequency single side band shortwave was used by
the aircraft on orbit to provide hourly status reports to the
command post. Closer in to Korat RTAFB the aircraft would call
the command post on UHF. VHF is more of a civilian frequency, but
was used at Korat. At times Korat tower monitored VHF closer than
UHF. Color, about 170K.
added 07/07/05.
The 553rd Intelligence
This is an image of the
Inside of the Intelligence shop at Christmas 1968. Color,
about 128K. My thanks to Charlotte
Clinger who is shown in the photo when she was
2nd Lieutenant Charlotte Holder.
added 02/14/09.
Ground Views around Korat
This is an unusual view of the
Connie Flight
Line at Korat RTAFB from Korat City. Color, about 100K.
My thanks to Rick Dietly for
this image. Added 09/11/12.
This is a view the
Connie Ramp at the time of the initial deployment. Photo taken during
1967, Note there are no revetments between every other Connie, those
revetments were installed in 1968. My thanks to
Robert Livingston for
this image. B&W, about 197K. Added 06/05/19.
A view of a
Connie Taxiing. Look closely to the right side of the photo
and you can see the Thai side of Korat RTAFB, and their North American T-6
Texan trainers, still used by the RTAF in the late 1960's. My thanks to
Peter Eastman for this image.
Color, about 52K, added 03/03/02.
Here is a view of the
Connie Ramp. Color, about 57K. My thanks to David Pipher
for this image. Added 02/18/06.
Aircrew on
Alert. Aircrews would assemble survival equipment, have a weather and mission
briefing, and be at the aircraft 4 hours (later reduced to 3 hours) before scheduled
take off time. The aircrew arrived early in case another airplane aborted, that orbit
would still be covered because the aircrew waiting would depart early. A lot of
the time for aircrews at Korat RTAFB was waiting, and waiting. Color about 61K. My
thanks to David Pipher
for this image. Added 02/18/06.
A view of the "Tent City" the first arrivals had for
accomodations. B&W, about 88K. My thanks to
Robin Collord
for this image. Added 02/18/06.
Here is a second view of the
"Tent City" with Robin Collord and Larry Lees. B&W, about 88K.
My thanks to Robin Collord
for this image. B&W, about 75K. Added 02/18/06.
Here is the
first 554th 554th Squadron headquarters Tent. Early arrivals to Korat RTAFB
lived in tents. Construction of permanent buildins was a high priority.
B&W, about 161K. My thanks to Paul Redd
for this image. Added 06/14/12.
Shown here is the
553rd Reconnaissance Wing Headquarters at Korat RTAFB. Headquarters was
considered ultra modern in late 1967 when it was built. Color, about 208K.
My thanks to Bill Holbrook
for this image. 01/30/00.
Across the street from the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing Headquarters building were
sand bag revetments in case of air attack. Color, about 95K. My thanks to
Bernie Rattay
for this image. Added 09/13/09.
This is a
drawing of the inside layout of the 553rd Reconaissance Squadron headquarters building 1920.
I found this drawing in one of the official histories of the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing.
B&W, about 427K. Added 03/06/15.
Shown here is the
554th Squadron building with Crew Bus in front. To the right of the crew bus
is the 553rd Recon Wing Life Support building. This is where parachutes, survival
vests, etc., were picked up before each mission. On the far right, the back end
of the partially shown crew bus is next to the 553rd Recon Squadron building. In
Thailand they drive on the left side of the road, so the steering wheel is on the
right. B&W, about 33K. My thanks to Ron Bogota
for this image. Added 05/26/00.
Here is
554th Aircraft and Crew Scheduling board. The scheduling board was located in
the 554th Reconnaissance Squadron headquarters building. Color, about 113K.
Larry Westin photo.
Added 08/22/12.
My thanks to Chuck Butt
for this image of the
554th Aircraft Squadron Headquarters Building, front view. Color, about 276K,
added 11/01/22.
Between the 554th Recon Squadron building, and the 553rd Recon
Squadron Building, was Life Support. This is an
interior view of the Life Support shop. Left to right Charlie Brown, Bernie
Rattay and Spink. Survival vests on left, yellow bags are for life rafts.
Color, about 121K. My thanks to Bernie Rattay
for this photo. Added 09/13/09.
NOTE a Life Support Equipment Section Shop page was added 06/21/14. Click on
Life Support Shop to view
more information about the Life Support Shop. Added 06/21/14.
Hospital at Korat. B&W, about 50K.
Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
Another view of
the Base Hospital. B&W, about 118K. My thanks to
Bernie Rattay
for this photo. Added 09/13/09.
view of the Base Hospital number 1, and
Inside view of the Base Hospital number 2. Both B&W, about 151K
and 161K respectively. My thanks to
David Smith
for these two hospital interior photos. Added 03/09/08.
Base Movie Theater. Note the tin roof. I remember well that anytime
it rained, almost every day about 15:00, the noise of the rain
hitting the roof would drown out the movie. B&W, about 48K.
Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
Vernie Andricks provided this image of the
Nitnoi Theater. Nitnoi
in Thai is small in Engllish. B&W, about 153K.
Added 09/29/08,
Danny Hildebrand provided this image of the
Civil Engineering Squadron compound was located near the Nitnoi threater. Building
numbers 341-343-344-345-353 and 354. Color, about 607K.
Added 12/23/14.
Enlisted Chow Hall at
Korat. B&W, about 60K. Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
Sholl inside the Enlisted Chow Hall at Korat. B&W, about 70K. My thanks to
David Smith for this image.
Added 08/19/07.
Thompson inside the Flight Kitchen at Korat. The flight kitchen
and chow hall were two separate facilities. On base personnel ate at the chow
hall. On missions an aircrewmember went to the flight kitchen to
pick up in flight meals. B&W, about 70K. My thanks to
David Smith for this image.
Added 08/19/07.
Post Office at Korat. B&W, about 59K.
Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
eXchange at Korat. Many items, such as cameras, required a ration
card to purchase. B&W, about 43K.
Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
Transportation to the city of Korat was via
Baht Bus. B&W, about51K.
Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
David Pipher sent me this
image of a two Baht Bus. It appears this view was taken from the top
(second) floor of the barracks. Color about 66K.
Added 02/18/06.
Brent Morris sent me these
3 views of the hobby shop recording studio.
of the recording studio - view 1, and also another view of the
of the recording studio - view 2, showing Airman
Pertignani, and a third view of the
Inside of the recording studio - view 3. I spent a lot of time in the
recording studio myself. Notice these are reel to reel tape recorders, the
standard in the 1960's before the days of 8 track or cassette tapes.
Each of the 3 images between 34K and 39K.
Added 06/06/06.
The Korat MARS
station, which is short for Military Affiliate Radio System and Amatuer Radio
Program. Color, about 152K. My thanks to Tom Sandelin,
son of Batcat Thomas EdwardbSandelin for sending this image.
Added 04/01/12.
The Korat
Beauty Salon and Barber Shop. My thanks to
Tom Sandelin, son of Batcat Thomas Edward
Sandelin for sending this image. Color, about 129K.
Added 04/01/12.
Airmen, NCO and Officer
Living Quarters
One end
of the enlisted Barracks, 554th on the left, 553rd on the right.
B&W, about 51K. Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
A veiw
inside one of the enlisted barracks. Although each floor was totally
open, the lockers were arranged so 4 airmen (two bunk beds) had a resemblence of
a room. Color, about 22K. My thanks to
David Pipher photo.
Added 03/18/06.
Another veiw of a different
barracks interior. The floors were totally open, the lockers arranged so 4
airmen (two bunk beds) had a resemblence of privacy. about 99K. My thanks to
Tom Stear photo.
Added 07/18/12.
end of the enlisted Barracks. 553rd barracks on the left, 554th barracks
on the right. B&W, about 51K. Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
from the second floor of the enlisted Barracks. color about 55K.
Image provided by David Pipher.
Added Added 02/20/06.
Side view
of the EMS Barracks which was located across the street from
the Sawdee Club. color about 277K. My thaanks to
Robert Gurley for the photo.
Added 02/22/13.
"Hootch" girls
wash our cloths. USAF agreement with Thailand required local Thai's
be employeed. Girls made your bed, washed your cloths, and shined your shoes
for a reasonable cost. B&W, about 69K.
Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
Vernie Andricks
provided this image of
Drying clothes on a line. No dryers at Korat for the Hootch girls.
B&W, about 134K.
Added 09/29/08.
A view down from the second story of the barracks of
girls putting clothes up to dry. B&W, about
248K. John Anderson photo.
Added 06/27/14.
Recon Squadron Sign at the end of the 554th barracks. B&W, about
64K. Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
(E-5 and above) Quarters were not as modern as enlisted. B&W, about 48K.
Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
Danny Hildebrand provided this image of the
Civil Engineering Squadron Hootches. Hootch numbers were from 752 to 795. B&W, about 193K.
Added 12/23/14.
Interior view of a NCO hootch. Color, about 129K. My thanks to
Larry Marbach for this photo.
Added 01/18/11.
Additional interior views of a hootch. These two images are of
the hootches the 553rd used for the month or so we were stationed
at U-Tapao RTAFB. These hootches are virtually identical to those
hootches at Korat RTAFB. No glass in the windows, screens only.
Here is
hootch interior - view 1 and
hootch interior - view 2. Note the mosquito net over each bed, with
the only personal space a locker. Very basic. B&W, about 89K and 77K respectively.
My thanks to Larry Lancaster for these
two images. Added 07/25/11.
388th Tactical Fighter Wing
Facilities at Korat RTAFB
The 388th Tactical Fighter Wing (388th TFW) was the primary unit at Korat RTAFB. As a fighter wing
the 388th had different needs than did the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing. These are images 388th TFW
unique areas at Korat RTAFB.
This is an image of the
TFW Missile shop. Color, about 50K. My thanks to
John Allen for this image.
Added 07/23/14.
Here is a
Map of
the 388th MMS hootches and 388th TFW Bomb Dump at Korat RTAFB. Note there is also an off
base munitions storage area. Color, about 269K. My thanks to
John Allen for this information.
Added 07/23/14.
Image of the
dump with CBUs on the trailer. Color, about 46K. My thanks to
John Allen for this image.
Added 07/23/14.
Building up
MK 82
bombs at the bomb dump. B&W, about 148K. My thanks to
John Allen for this image.
Added 07/23/14.
Moving bombs from the
dump to the flight line to load on the 388th F-105 and F-4E aircraft. B&W, about 50K.
My thanks to John Allen for this image.
Added 07/23/14.
The Airmens, NCO and Officer
This is a photograph taken
inside the Korat Kaboom Officers Club of the
"Big Red"
painting which hung behind the bar. Color, about 32K. This image provided by
J. J. Smith,
Jerry was part of the first deployment from Otis to Korat.
Added 12/07/99.
Officer Club "Big Red" Painting Update as
shown above in the Korat RTAFB Officer's club. The "Big Red" Painting is now
going to the Batcat Museum. When Batcat pilot Lt. Col. Richard Dean McCreary was packing to
return to the U.S., some unknown individual removed the painting from the officers club and
sneaked it into Lt. Col. McCreary's luggage in early June 1970. Unknowingly Lt. Col. McCreary
returned home to the U.S. with the "Big Red" painting. Recently Lt. Col.
McCreary's daughter Dadre McCreary found the "Big Red" painting at
her father's home. Dadre McCreary presented the painting to Batcat
Cliff Jensen who will with his wife
Chris Jensen take the painting
to the Batcat Museum in Virginia this spring. Here is an image of
Dadre McCreary
presenting "Big Red" to Cliff Jensen. Our thanks to
Dadre McCreary for going out of her way
to preserve this painting and deliver it to Cliff Jensen. Color, about 213K,
added 01/27/15.
Here is a view of the
of the Kaboom Officers Club. Color, about 139K. My thanks to
Charlotte Clinger (then 2nd Lt.
Charlotte Holder shown in this image in front of the club) for this image.
Added 02/14/09.
My thanks to Chuck Butt for this
image of the
Outside of the Kaboom Officer Club at Korat. Color, about 260K,
added 11/01/22.
Club at Korat. B&W, about 45K. My thanks to
Mike Yates for this image.
Added 12/15/99.
Another view of the
NCO Club at Korat. Color, about 232K. My thanks to
John Anderson for this image.
Added 06/27/14.
Open Mess Menu. Color, about 102K. My thanks to
Roy Fretschl for providing the menu
so I could photograph it. Be the way the prices are considerably lower than today!
Added 06/07/09.
Another view of the outside of the
NCO Club at Korat. Color, about 253K. Many assigned to Korat RTAFB purchased bicycles to get
around. My thanks to Phillip Cameron for this image.
Added 07/26/15.
Enlisted men's club named was originally named the
"Sawa Dee
Club". The word Sawadee is equivilant to the Hawaiian word Aloha. The
equivilant is more accurately a transliteration, rather than a direct translation.
Later the Enlisted Club name changed to Swadee. B&W, about 76K. My thanks to
Ed Thurston for this image.
Added 03/09/08.
Club". Note the revised spelling. B&W, about 71K.
Larry Westin photo.
Added 06/08/96.
To use the facilities of the clubs on base you were required to be a member
of the club and keep your dues current. Can't remember what the cost of
monthly dues was. Once you paid your dues you received a club card valid for the month.
These are images of webmaster Larry Westin's
December 1968 Airmans club card for the Swadee Club.
Front view of the Swadee Club card. And here is a second view of the
Back view of the Swadee Club card. Images are color, about 320K and 196K
respectively. Added 02/20/16.
Ron Hanlin sent me this image of
an overview of the
Swadee Club. Believe this was taken from the upper story of the FMS barracks. Color,
about 356K, Added 08/22/12.
Paul Desrosiers sent me this image of the
interior of the Swadee
Club. Color, about 19K, Added 09/23/99.
Here is a view of the
Entrance to the Swadee Club with 2 Hostesses and a Thai Taxi. The Swadee Club was
across the street from the FMS barracks. B&W, about 71K. My thanks to
Larry Lancaster photo.
Added 07/25/11.
Damage from the Tornado which
hit Korat RTAFB in the Spring of 1968
During the spring of 1968, during a severe
storm, a tornado hit Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base. This first
view shows Damage
around the Base Swimming Pool. Second view shows
to the Hangar Door. Third view shows what remains of a flight
Hot Dog Stand. There was a young Thai woman inside the Hot Dog Stand
when the tornado flipped it over. Luckily she wasn't badly hurt, only
cuts and bruises! Images are Color, about 66K, 29K, and 65K respectively.
My thanks to Peter Eastman for
these photos for me to scan. Added 03/25/02.
The Bob Hope USO Shows
At Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand
The images of the Bob Hope USO
shows was originally here from 07/05/99, has now moved to it's own page.
Click here for the Bob
Hope USO page. Moved to it's own page on 10/17/13.
Views of the City of Korat and
the Surrounding Thai Country Side
The images of Korat City
shows was originally here from 11/22/99, has now moved to it's own page.
Click here for the Korat
City page. Moved to it's own page on 05/06/14.
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