The United
States Air Force
Reconnaissance Wing
Korat Royal Thai
Air Force Base
Checklists and Manuals used
by the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing
Special Promotion area added 01/24/19, Last updated 01/24/19.
If you find errors or omissions, or have questions please contact
webmaster Larry Westin via email at Thank you.
Background of Checklist and Manual Information
The 553rd Reconnaissance Wing, along with all civil, airline and military, use checklists
and manuals to provide safe maintenance and operation of aircraft. On this page are
checklists and manuals which were some of the documentation used to support the 553rd
Reconnaissance Wing Lockheed EC-121R aircraft. In addition to the EC-121R also based at
Korat RTAFB were EC-121D Warning Star radar picket aircraft of College Eye, and C-121G
transport aircraft used for for proficiency training. Some checklists and manuals applied
to the EC-121R only, while other manuals applied to more than one aircraft.
Click here to view the
Flight Engineer Checklist. The flight engineer check list was used by both air and ground
crews. Air crews on each flight, ground crews when it was necessary to run up the engines after
maintenance. My thanks to Paul Albrecht and to
Sean Albrecht for this file. Paul served with the
553rd OMS. File is in PDF format, 38 pages, about 3.77 Meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Here is a
CICO Checklist. Copy from webmaster Larry Westin.
File is in PDF format, 11 pages, about 1 Meg in size. Added 01/24/19.
Here is a
CIM Checklist. Copy from webmaster Larry Westin.
File is in PDF format, 10 pages, about 1.3 Meg in size. Added 01/24/19.
This is a copy of the EC-121R Flight Manual. The manual is too large to present as a single file.
My thanks to Dean Boys who scanned the flight manual
into PDF format. Dean sent me the scan on a DVD. Because of the size I separated the entire
flight manual into 17 different sections. Sections presented here are the sections as in the
printed flight manual. Even with the sections broken down some are very large in size. There are
579 pages in the flight manual.
Flight Manual Introduction. PDF format, 6 pages, about 678K in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Section 1 - Description. PDF format, 77 pages, about 13 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Section 2 - Normal Proceedures. PDF format, 33 pages, about 4 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Section 3 - Emergency Proceedures. PDF format, 85 pages, about 12 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Section 4 - Auxillary Equipment. PDF format, 66 pages, about 10 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Section 5 - Operating Limitations. PDF format, 16 pages, about 2.8 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Section 6 - Flight Characteristics. PDF format, 9 pages, about 1.3 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Section 7 - System Operations. PDF format, 35 pages, about 4.7 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Section 8 - Crew Duties. PDF format, 17 pages, about 1.9 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Section 9 - All Weather Operation. PDF format, 13 pages, about 2 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Appendix Part 1 - Performance Introduction. PDF format, 19 pages, about 2.7 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Appendix Part 2 - Engine Operation. PDF format, 19 pages, about 3 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Appendix Part 3 - Takeoff. PDF format, 42 pages, about 6 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Appendix Part 4 - Climb. PDF format, 14 pages, about 2.1 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Appendix Part 5 - Cruise. PDF format, 59 pages, about 9.5 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Appendix Part 6 - C-121G Cruise. PDF format, 48 pages, about 7.9 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Appendix Part 7 - Descent, Landing and Go Around. PDF format, 9 pages, about 1.2 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
Alphabetical Index. PDF format, 12 pages, about 1.6 meg in size.
Added 01/24/19.
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