The United States Air Force
553rd Reconnaissance Wing
at Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base
and their EC-121R and other aircraft
Unit Awards and Decorations for veterans
assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing
Individual Awards & Decoration Information
As a veteran assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing, or
assigned to one of the squadrons which were part of the 553rd Reconnaissance wing, you helped the
wing achieve its military objectives in support of the United States. On this page you will find
information about the awards won by the wing, for which veterans who were assigned to the wing are
authorized by the Department of the Air Force to wear or display. This page was originally part of
Batcat Veterans Benefit Information page created 02/23/12, moved to its own page 08/17/17,
Last updated 12/10/23.
- this page shows awards and decorations veterans who were
assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing during specific dates are authorized to wear or display
because the wing was awarded a honor through the efforts of veterans who assigned to the wing.
These awards should appear on each individual's DD214. Included here are copies of the Department
of the Air Force orders which approved the wing award. If your DD214 does not show these awards
there is a form on this page to request an update to your DD214, include with your request a
copy of the Department of the Air Force orders for each award, which are available on this page,
which approved each wing award.
- each veteran will have earned personal individual awards
which should also appear on your DD214. There is no way here to determine what individual awards
you have been awarded. Each veteran will need their own orders to substantiate their personal
awards. Listed below is some information on individual awards and decorations which a veteran
may have earned from their service with the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing.
Some Awards were Presened at Korat, Other Times Awards
were presented when the veteran returned to the COMUS

553rd Reconnaissance Wing Commander Colonel Harry
Timmermans on left, pins on Sgt. Larry Westin (Batcat homepage webmaster) The Air Medal.
color about 79K. Added 12/10/23.
553rd Reconnaissance Wing members were Awarded the
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with V
and the
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross medal with Palm
This is an extract from the
Air Force Combat Wings Lineage and Honors Histories 1947-1977 book by Charles A.
Ravenstein, United States Air Force Historical Research Center, Office of Air Force
History, United States Air Force, Washington D.C., 1984. This document explains
what decorations each member of the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing is entitled depending
on what dates the veteran was assigned to the wing. The information for the 553rd
Reconnaissance Wing is shown on page 13 and 14 (book pages 287 and 288) of this extract.
The original document is 366 pages long, which is why I extracted the pages pertinent to
the 553rd. I also included the information for the 551st and 552nd wings as many of those who
served with Batcat also served with those wings. Document is in PDF format, about 167K in
size. Added 08/04/17.
Decorations were awarded to
the unit, the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing, or to an individual.
When an award or decoration is awarded to the unit all those assigned to
the unit during the time period defined are entitled to the award or
decoration. Here is a list of 553rd
Recon Wing Unit Decorations Awarded, plus information on
individual decoration awards, along with information on how to
obtain replacement medals, and correct missing information. My
thanks to Stu Whipple
for providing this PDF file, about 13K. Added 02/23/12.
553rd Reconnaissance Wing Unit Award
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with V
All of those assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing between April 1, 1967
through May 31, 1968, and/or between July 1, 1968 through April 15, 1969 earned
the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with V.
Department of the Air Force Special order GB-623, dated 9 September 1969 lists the 553rd
Units awarded the Air Force Outstanding Unit award with V depending on what dates you
served with the 553rd. The units include the 553rd EMS/AMS, 553rd FMS, 553rd OMS, 553rd RS
and 554th RS. PDF format, about 67K. Air Force document
AFP 900-2 details 553rd Units awarded the Air Force Outstanding Unit award with V dated
15 June 1971 lists 553rd Reconnaissance Wing as being award the Air Force Outstanding Unit with V.
PDF format, about 82K.
My thanks to the Air Force Historical Research Agency
for providing the DAF Special Orders GB-623 and AFP 900-2 information. Here is an image of the
Force Outstanding Unit Award with V device, color about 38K. Added
553rd Reconnaissance Wing Unit Award
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross medal with Palm
Those assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing are also awarded the
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross medal with Palm.
Department of the Air Force orders
GB-337 dated 14 May 1975 are for the 553rd Electronic Maintenance Squadron and the
553rd Avionics Maintenance Squadron. PDF format, about 46K. Department of the Air Force orders
GB-338 dated 14 May 1975 are for the 553rd Field Maintenance Squadron, 553rd Organizational
Maintenance Squadron, 553rd Reconnaissance Squadron, Headquarters 553rd Reconnaissane Wing, and
554th Reconnaissance Squadron. PDF format, about 77K.
My thanks to the Air Force Historical Research Agency
for providing the DAF Special Orders GB-623. Here is an image of the
Republic of
Vietnam Gallantry medal with Palm, color about 77K. Here is an image of the
Republic of
Vietnam Gallantry with Palm Ribbon, color about 29K. Added
Veterans who served with the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing may
be entitled to the following Individual Awards and Decorations
requirements for award included for each award
The three individual awards and decorations shown here below are those which are likely to be
earned by a veteran who served during the Vietnam era, who served overseas in Thailand
with the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing, making no difference if the veteran's work assignment
was on the ground, or as an aircrew member. Many other individual awards could be earned
from service in the U.S. or in other countries which are not shown here.
National Defense Service Medal
an individual Award
Check here to view the
Requirements for award of the National Defense Service medal. Here is an image of the
Defense Service medal, color about 57K. Here is an image of the
Defense Service medal Ribbon, color about 38K. Added
Vietnam Service Medal with stars
an individual Award
The Vietnam Service Medal is an individual award.
Those assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing at Korat RTAFB are entitled to the
Vietnam Service Medal, and depending on
the specific dates of service the veteran is entitled
to campaign stars on the VSM. The veteran must have been present during the at least
one campaign to receive the VSM. After the first campaign to receive the VSM, presence
during each campaign entitles the veteran to a bronze star to the VSM. View this
extract from Air Force Manual
900-2 Defining both the AFOUA with V and the specific campaigns eligible for the Vietnam Service Medal.
An example of how to determine the eligibility to wear the VSM and stars. My service at Korat RTAFB
was from Nov. 1968 through Sept. 1969. Viewing these AF Manual 900-2 extracts shows that
I was present during 3 campaigns identified as 63, 64 and 65. Campaign 63 earned me the
VSM, while my presence for campaigns 63, 64 and 65 earned me three bronze stars to the VSM. My
thanks to the Air Force Historical Research Agency
for providing the AF Manual 900-2 extract. Check here to view the
Requirements for award of the Vietnam Service medal. Here is an image of the
Vietnam Service
medal, color about 81K. Here is an image of the
Vietnam Service
medal Ribbon, color about 29K. Added
Vietnam Campaign Medal
an individual Award
Check here to view the
Requirements for award of the Vietnam Campaign medal. Here is an image of the
Campaign medal, color about 16K. Here is an image of the
Vietnam Campaign medal, color about 13K. Added
Corrections to Military Records
Corrections to Military Records,
For those assigned to the 553rd Reconnaissance Wing your DD214 should show the above awards,
plus awards you earned individually. If your DD214 doesn't show the above awards and your
individual awards, you need to send in a
Corrections of Military Records to the Air Force. WEBMASTER
NOTE - the latest version of this form I could locate indicates the OMB approval
expires December 31, 2017. You need to open, then download this PDF file to your PC, which can
then be filled in using Adobe Acrobat Reader. PDF format, about 111K. Provide the needed
supporting documents, then mail to the Board for Correction of Air Force Record.
My thanks to the Air Force Historical Research Agency
for providing this document to correct military records. WEBMASTER PERSONAL
NOTE - in August 2017 I submitted form 149 to correct missing awards I was entitled
to on but not shown on my DD214. Personally I kept copies of all my USAF orders which includes my personal orders
specifically awarding me the awards I requested. In addition I had copies of orders from the AFHRA
which substantiated my other requests. Adding the basic air crew member badge was approved January
2019. Adding the Republic of Vietnam Gallentry Cross with Palm, changing the Vietnam Service Medal
from 2 BSS to the correct 3 BSS, and Adding the V & 1 BOLC to the AFOUA ribbon, was approved
by thee USAF November 2019. Submitting the form with supporting documentation required
26 months for the USAF to approve the changes I requested.
Added 08/11/17, updated 12/01/19.
Lost Supporting Documentation
If you have lost supporting documentation about which click on
and awards you have earned. My thanks to David Fredrickson for this
information. Added
If you never received, or
have misplaced, a medal or decoration you earned while in U.S.
Military service, check Military
Awards and Decorations. Instructions how shown on how to make
your request determined by which branch of the service you served
in. NOTE medals awarded by the United States will be replaced,
however they do not replace medals issued by other countries. My
thanks to David Pipher
for providing this link. Added 07/21/10, updated
If you would like to purchase medals and ribbons you earned,
contact Medals of
America for availability and cost. A row of the ribbons you
earned is something nice to give to your grand children. My
thanks to David
Fredrickson for this information. Added 04/21/14.
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