Batcat Museum area
added 10/05/13, Last updated

Welcome to the Batcat Museum Located in Culpeper, Virginia at the
East Coast Batcat Barracks. The museum is located in the private
home of Batcat Museum curator Hank
Smith shown at right.
IMPORTANT the Batcat Museum is
located in Hank Smith's private home. Visitors are welcome to
visit by first making Prior
Arrangements by contacting curator Hank Smith
before arriving. A
link to email Hank Smith is at the bottom of this page.
The Batcat Museum contains both original 553rd
Reconnaissance Wing Batcat era 1967 to 1971 items, copies of orders,
items from the Batcat Dedication and reunion, and other reunions which
Batcat's have participated.
Batcat Museum
Display wall views taken Feb 5, 2018
Two more display views taken Feb 5, 2018
EC-121R Painting and NCO Club menu taken Feb 5, 2018
Survival Training began at Otis AFB, MA, USAF survival knife taken Feb 5, 2018
Personal Survival Recommendations, USAF info on how to use your parachute taken Feb 5, 2018
Blood Chit when parachuting out over enemy teritory, Memorial Services for Batcats killed taken Feb 5, 2018
Hats worn by Richard Weiner on left and R.J. Spencer on right
Batcat's have made donations to the
The following individuals have donated items to the museum:
1. Willy Wilcox's Flag (by Mrs. Wilcox)
2. Robbie Robinson
3. Bob MMansfield
4. Bob Malone
5. Mike Rubin
6. Cliff Jensen
7. Frank Butler
8. Major Joe Reed
9. Lt. RJ Spencer
10. Iggy Scheithauer
11. Lynn Gates
12. Sonjia Smith (re J. J. Smith)
13. LTC John Nienstedt
14. Joe Hackling
15. LTC Charles Walter
16. Bob Bulen
17. Gary Lowe
18. Don Langland (orders)
19. Richard Ertz
20. Tom Pera
21. Bob Langenhan
22. Bob Pruiksma
23. Jake Awalt
24. Rich Weiner
25. Hank Smith
26. Denny Phillips
27. Mike Sullivan
28. Stu Whipple
29. Mrs Dadre McCreary Mathews
30. Larry Westin
31. Dag Weiser (son of first wing commander Gus Weiser)
To donate, or make arrangements to visit
the Batcat Mueum, please first contact
Hank Smith via email at
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