The United States Air
553rd Reconnaissance
Korat Royal Thai Air
Force Base
Batcat Extra
Curricular area added 09/04/12, Last
updated 09/05/13.
Softball and Flag Football
fields at Korat RTAFB
View of one of the
Softball fields in action (there were 2 softball fields at Korat).
Color, about 263K.
An image of the
Flag Football field in action at Korat RTAFB. Color, about 399K.
Both the softball and flag football field images courtesy of
Robert Gurley.
Added 02/22/13.
553rd EMS
base slow pitch softball champions
and 3rd place in fast pitch softball
The 553rd Electronic Maintenance Squadron
softball images are courtesy of William Johns Jr., son of Batcat
William Johns, and team member William "Bill" Holbrook
who served with the 553rd EMS. The softball activities shown here
occurred during 1968.
- This is a view
of the entire 553rd Fast Pitch EMS team. This is a daylight
view of the fast pitch softball team which came in third at Korat
RTAFB. B&W, about 43K. Added 09/04/12, updated 09/05/13.
Front row kneeling, left to right:
SSgt. Wiliam Johns, MSgt. William Keaveney, Sgt. James Siler,
TSgt. Floyd Vaughn, Sgt. Jack Saxton, Sgt. Edward Faatz.
Back row standing, left to right:
Sgt. Strong, Sgt. John "Tony" Antonio, TSgt. James
Hicks, unknown, Sgt. Richard Rusnak, Sgt. Dave Sherman, Sgt. Andy
Anderson, Sgt. Brent Gary, Sgt. William "Bill"
Holbrook, Sgt. Gary Borman.
- Nightime action view of runner
going to first base. Night time. B&W, about 32K.
Added 09/04/12.
- Nightime action view of runner
reaching third base. Night time. B&W, about 51K.
Added 09/04/12.
- Nightime action view of another runner
reaching third base. Night time. B&W, about 20K.
Added 09/04/12.
- 553rd EMS Slow Pitch Softball Korat base
championship Team being awarded individual
championship trophies by Col. John H. M. Linebaugh, commander
of the 388th Combat Support Group and base commander. Accepting
the trophy from Col. Linebaugh is team Captain William Johns.
B&W, about 98K, added 09/04/12, updated
A second, slightly different view of the photograph above of
the 553rd EMS Slow Pitch Softball Korat base championship Team being awarded
championship trophies by Col. John H. M. Linebaugh, commander
of the 388th Combat Support Group and base commander. Accepting
the trophy from Col. Linebaugh is team Captain William Johns. My
thanks to William "Bill"
Holbrook for providing this photograph for me to
scan, and for many names. B&W, about 150K, added 11/11/12,
updated 09/05/13.
Front row kneeling, left to right:
Sgt. William "Bill" Holbrook, instrument shop; TSgt.
James Hicks, instrument shop; MSgt. William "Bill"
Keaveney, instrument shop; TSgt. Floyd Vaughn, navigation shop;
Sgt. James Siler, instrument shop; Sgt. John "Tony"
Antonio, navigation shop; Sgt. David "Hilby" Hilbert,
communications shop.
Middle row kneeling, left to right:
Sgt. Gary Borman, instrument shop, who is hidden in the second
view; Sgt. Edward Faatz, communications shop.
Back row standing, left to right:
Sgt. Steve Strong, navigation shop; TSgt. Sam Tardy, navigation
shop; SSgt. Brent Gary, instrument shop; Sgt. Richard Rusnak,
instrument shop; Sgt. Jack Saxton, communications shop; SSgt.
William Johns, instrument shop; Col. John H. M. Linebaugh,
commander of the 388th Combat Support Group and base commander;
Sgt. Andy Anderson, communications shop; Sgt. Dave Sherman,
instrument shop.
Here is a list of those from the 553rd EMS who
were part of the softball team (rank and position shown if
Sgt. Andy Anderson, first base
Sgt. John "Tony" Antonio, left field
Sgt. Gary "Babe" Borman, center field
Sgt. Edward Faatz
SSgt. Brent Gary, center field
TSgt. James "Jim" Hicks, right field
Sgt. David "Hilby" Hilbert, catcher
Sgt. William "Bill" Holbrook, right field
SSgt. William Johns, pitcher, team captain
MSgt. William "Bill" Keaveney, Coach
Sgt. Richard "Rickie" Runsnack
Sgt. Jack Saxton
SSgt. David Sherman
SSgt. James "Jim" Siler, third base
Sgt. Strong
TSgt. Sam H. Tardy
TSgt. Floyd Vaughan, pitcher, short stop
- 553rd EMS Team being awarded individual
championship trophies by Col. John H. M. Linebaugh, commander
of the 388th Combat Support Group. This is an image of the Korat
Sawadee Flyer newspaper article. B&W, about 223. Added 09/04/12.
- 553rd EMS Team captain being awarded the
championship trophy accepted by team Captain William Johns
from Col. John H. M. Linebaugh, commander of the 388th Combat
Support Group. B&W, about 257K. Added
- 553rd EMS Team Captain William Johns with
the base
championship trophy. B&W, about 123K. Added 09/04/12.
- Base
championship trophy in William Johns hootch. Note the era
reel to reel tap recorder. Photo of his children are William
Johns Jr. (who provided this information), Mary and Jim. Photo on
right is of his wife Harolyn Jean Johns. B&W, about 120K.
Added 09/04/12.
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